Improvement of the brewery microbiological control system focused on lowering the risk of contamination of alcohol-free, low-alcoholic and unpasteurized beers by strictly anaerobic bacteria of the genus Pectinatus
Public support
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Health and quality of life
Call for proposals
Zdravý a kvalitní život 2 (SMSM20082B2)
Main participants
Contest type
VS - Public tender
Contract ID
Alternative language
Project name in Czech
Zlepšení systému mikrobiologické kontroly pivovarského provozu se zaměřením na snížení rizika kontaminace nealkoholických, nízkoalkoholických a nepasterovaných piv striktně anaerobními bakteriemi rodu Pectinatus
Annotation in Czech
Zlepšení systému mikrobiologické kontroly pivovarského provozu, snížení rizika kontaminace piva anaerobními bakteriemi, podpora konzumace nealkoholických a nízkoalkoholických piv, a posílení konkurenceschopnosti českých pivovarů na světovém trhu.
Scientific branches
R&D category
ZV - Basic research
CEP classification - main branch
GM - Food industry
CEP - secondary branch
EE - Microbiology, virology
CEP - another secondary branch
EB - Genetics and molecular biology
OECD FORD - equivalent branches <br>(according to the <a href="">converter</a>)
10603 - Genetics and heredity (medical genetics to be 3)<br>10604 - Reproductive biology (medical aspects to be 3)<br>10605 - Developmental biology<br>10606 - Microbiology<br>10607 - Virology<br>10608 - Biochemistry and molecular biology<br>10609 - Biochemical research methods<br>21101 - Food and beverages<br>30101 - Human genetics
Completed project evaluation
Provider evaluation
V - Vynikající výsledky projektu (s mezinárodním významem atd.)
Project results evaluation
The research was realized according to the schedule. The research plan solved the important issue concerning identification and cultivation of anaerobic Pectinatus bacterium and risk minimalisation at a brewing processing plant. The results are entirelyoriginal knowledge, were published as the certified methodology and also in the international scientific journals. They were patented as well.
Solution timeline
Realization period - beginning
Mar 1, 2008
Realization period - end
Dec 31, 2011
Project status
U - Finished project
Latest support payment
Feb 25, 2011
Data delivery to CEP
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data delivery code
Data delivery date
Jul 3, 2012
Total approved costs
5,026 thou. CZK
Public financial support
4,522 thou. CZK
Other public sources
0 thou. CZK
Non public and foreign sources
504 thou. CZK