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Information support for blind people.

Public support

  • Provider

    Ministry of Transport

  • Programme

    Safety and economical transport (National programme of research)

  • Call for proposals

    Bezpečná a ekonomická doprava 2 (SMD0200501)

  • Main participants

  • Contest type

    VS - Public tender

  • Contract ID


Alternative language

  • Project name in Czech

    Informační podpora pro nevidomé

  • Annotation in Czech

    Vyvinout akustický informační systém pro nevidomé a slabozraké, jež by na základě znalosti aktuální polohy a zadání cíle byl schopen prostřednictvím mobilního zařízení verbálně navigovat nevidomou a slabozrakou osobu k zadanému cíli.

Scientific branches

  • R&D category

    ZV - Basic research

  • CEP classification - main branch

    JO - Land transport systems and equipment

  • CEP - secondary branch

    AQ - Safety and health protection, safety in operating machinery

  • CEP - another secondary branch

    JD - Use of computers, robotics and its application

  • OECD FORD - equivalent branches <br>(according to the <a href="">converter</a>)

    20104 - Transport engineering<br>20204 - Robotics and automatic control<br>20205 - Automation and control systems<br>30305 - Occupational health

Completed project evaluation

  • Provider evaluation

    U - Uspěl podle zadání (s publikovanými či patentovanými výsledky atd.)

  • Project results evaluation

    The goal of the project was accomplish, the practical sample of the system was proposed, tested and was evaluated. The proposal of the utility model was filed.

Solution timeline

  • Realization period - beginning

    Jan 1, 2005

  • Realization period - end

    May 1, 2007

  • Project status

    U - Finished project

  • Latest support payment

    Jun 1, 2007

Data delivery to CEP

  • Confidentiality

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

  • Data delivery code


  • Data delivery date

    Apr 3, 2009


  • Total approved costs

    4,440 thou. CZK

  • Public financial support

    4,440 thou. CZK

  • Other public sources

    0 thou. CZK

  • Non public and foreign sources

    0 thou. CZK