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Doctoral School of Archaeology: New Methods, Technologies and Historical Heritage Research

Public support

  • Provider

    Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

  • Programme

  • Call for proposals

  • Main participants

    Západočeská univerzita v Plzni / Fakulta filozofická

  • Contest type

    OP - EU Operational Programme

  • Contract ID


Alternative language

  • Project name in Czech

    Doktorandská škola archeologie: nové metody, technologie a výzkum historického dědictví

  • Annotation in Czech

    Projekt cílí na tvorbu společného výzkumně zaměřeného studijního programu archeologie realizovaného ve spolupráci dvou univerzitních pracovišť a ústavu AV ČR. Synergické efekty zajistí studentům v rámci jejich studia a výzkumu spolupráci s kontaktními disciplínami, bez nichž nelze žádné téma v moderně pojaté archeologii komplexně zkoumat. Projekt výrazně posílí důraz na interdisciplinární spolupráci a internacionalizaci na straně všech zúčastněných institucí.

Scientific branches

  • R&D category

    IF - RDI infrastructure

  • CEP classification - main branch

    AC - Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology

  • CEP - secondary branch

    AF - Documentation, librarianship, work with information

  • CEP - another secondary branch

    AE - Management, administration and clerical work

  • OECD FORD - equivalent branches <br>(according to the <a href="">converter</a>)

    10201 - Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8)<br>50404 - Anthropology, ethnology<br>50602 - Public administration<br>50603 - Organisation theory<br>50803 - Information science (social aspects)<br>50804 - Library science<br>60102 - Archaeology

Completed project evaluation

  • Provider evaluation

    V - Vynikající výsledky projektu (s mezinárodním významem atd.)

  • Project results evaluation

    The aim of the project was to create a doctoral school of archaeology, which in the field of teaching and research will connect both university departments KAR FF ZČU and AÚ FF JU with the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS Prague, which is one of the leading research centres in Europe. The project fulfilled all its objectives. In the first two years, modernised doctoral study programmes in Archaeology, including versions for teaching in English, were prepared and accredited at both universities. During the preparation of the curricula, experts from home and abroad were involved. Foreign experience was brought from short internships of eleven members of the expert team. The two upgraded DSPs were launched in the 2019/20 academic year. Over the next three years, staff and student involvement in research, PhD students' placements with potential employers, and PhD students' overseas placements continued to be limited by the COVID-19 arrangements, but were eventually implemented.

Solution timeline

  • Realization period - beginning

    Oct 1, 2017

  • Realization period - end

    Sep 30, 2022

  • Project status

    U - Finished project

  • Latest support payment

    Sep 6, 2020

Data delivery to CEP

  • Confidentiality

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

  • Data delivery code


  • Data delivery date

    Jun 23, 2023


  • Total approved costs

    8,356 thou. CZK

  • Public financial support

    8,356 thou. CZK

  • Other public sources

    0 thou. CZK

  • Non public and foreign sources

    0 thou. CZK