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Administration and information about the program COST in the Czech Reublic - European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research programme.

Public support

  • Provider

    Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

  • Programme


  • Call for proposals

  • Main participants

  • Contest type

    VS - Public tender

  • Contract ID


Alternative language

  • Project name in Czech

    Organizační a informační zajištění programu evropské spolupráce ve výzkumu a vývoji COST v ČR

  • Annotation in Czech

    Cílem projektu je postupné převzetí organizační, informační a administrativní agendy zajištění programu COST a podpora mezinárodního postavení ČR v rámci programu COST.

Scientific branches

  • R&D category

    AP - Applied research

  • CEP classification - main branch

    AF - Documentation, librarianship, work with information

  • CEP - secondary branch

    AE - Management, administration and clerical work

  • CEP - another secondary branch

  • OECD FORD - equivalent branches <br>(according to the <a href="">converter</a>)

    10201 - Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8)<br>50602 - Public administration<br>50603 - Organisation theory<br>50803 - Information science (social aspects)<br>50804 - Library science

Completed project evaluation

  • Provider evaluation

    U - Uspěl podle zadání (s publikovanými či patentovanými výsledky atd.)

  • Project results evaluation

    The aim of the project was the administrative agenda, offering the information about COST and in collaboration with the Czech research community to initiate new activities and to promote the international position of the Czech Republic in COST.

Solution timeline

  • Realization period - beginning

    Jun 1, 1998

  • Realization period - end

    Dec 31, 2010

  • Project status

    S - Stopped (prematurely terminated) multi-year project

  • Latest support payment

    Mar 25, 2009

Data delivery to CEP

  • Confidentiality

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

  • Data delivery code


  • Data delivery date

    Jun 30, 2011


  • Total approved costs

    25,045 thou. CZK

  • Public financial support

    24,045 thou. CZK

  • Other public sources

    1,000 thou. CZK

  • Non public and foreign sources

    0 thou. CZK