Effective ecological inactivation method of stored-product pests in plant seeds produce
Project goals
New method of inactivation of harmful pests for stored seeds of plant produce is studied. The method is intact to treated seeds and friendly to environment. There is no need of chemicals for treatment. The series of high vacuum and inert gases and theirmixtures (including nitrogen) treatment will be applied on seeds packed in plastic bags at atmospheric pressure.
Public support
Ministry of Agriculture
Research in the agricultural complex (RAC)
Call for proposals
VaV pro zemědělský sektor II 2 (SMZE2010MZE01)
Main participants
Contest type
VS - Public tender
Contract ID
Alternative language
Project name in Czech
Netoxická efektivní ekologická inaktivace hmyzích škůdců na principu řízených atmosfér ve skladovaných zrnech se zachováním jejich biokvality
Annotation in Czech
Vyzkoumat, vypracovat a ověřit novou šetrnou nechemickou metodu hubení hmyzích škůdců skladovaných zrn ekologického zemědělství. Metoda přispěje ke zdokonalení systému ochrany skladovaných zásob a zároveň k minimalizaci rizik výskytu škodlivých vlivů.
Scientific branches
R&D category
AP - Applied research
CEP classification - main branch
GF - Diseases, pests, weeds and plant protection
CEP - secondary branch
GM - Food industry
CEP - another secondary branch
21101 - Food and beverages
40106 - Agronomy, plant breeding and plant protection; (Agricultural biotechnology to be 4.4)
Completed project evaluation
Provider evaluation
V - Vynikající výsledky projektu (s mezinárodním významem atd.)
Project results evaluation
The purpose of the project was to find, prepare and test a new sparing method for killing of pests attacking stored grain crops produced by environment-friendly agriculture. The project was implemented in compliance with the defined schedule and plannedobjectives. On the whole the project and its outputs can be said to be beneficial and successful.
Solution timeline
Realization period - beginning
Jan 1, 2010
Realization period - end
Dec 31, 2013
Project status
U - Finished project
Latest support payment
Mar 25, 2013
Data delivery to CEP
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data delivery code
Data delivery date
Jun 26, 2014
Total approved costs
17,253 thou. CZK
Public financial support
15,396 thou. CZK
Other public sources
0 thou. CZK
Non public and foreign sources
1,816 thou. CZK
Recognised costs
17 253 CZK thou.
Public support
15 396 CZK thou.
Ministry of Agriculture
GF - Diseases, pests, weeds and plant protection
Solution period
01. 01. 2010 - 31. 12. 2013