New materials for chronic defects - ChronosiX
Public support
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Programme of applied research and experimental development ALFA
Call for proposals
ALFA 2 (STA02012TA02)
Main participants
PrimeCell Therapeutics a.s.
Contest type
VS - Public tender
Contract ID
Alternative language
Project name in Czech
Nové materiály pro chronické defekty - ChronosiX
Annotation in Czech
Na základě interdisciplinární spolupráce partnerů projektu budou vyvinuty produkty hi-tech tkáňového inženýrství s vysokou přidanou hodnotou. Potřeba léčby bércových vředů a nehojících se ran, které vznikly v důsledku patologického procesu nebo traumatu,je častá u pacientů všech věkových skupin. Ačkoli existuje celá řada léčebných technik, založených zejména na medikamentózní léčbě, jako velmi slibnou se ukazuje léčba s využitím buněčné terapie.
Scientific branches
R&D category
AP - Applied research
CEP classification - main branch
EI - Biotechnology and bionics
CEP - secondary branch
FO - Dermatology and venereology
CEP - another secondary branch
FP - Other medical fields
OECD FORD - equivalent branches <br>(according to the <a href="">converter</a>)
20801 - Environmental biotechnology<br>20802 - Bioremediation, diagnostic biotechnologies (DNA chips and biosensing devices) in environmental management<br>20803 - Environmental biotechnology related ethics<br>20901 - Industrial biotechnology<br>20902 - Bioprocessing technologies (industrial processes relying on biological agents to drive the process) biocatalysis, fermentation<br>20903 - Bioproducts (products that are manufactured using biological material as feedstock) biomaterials, bioplastics, biofuels, bioderived bulk and fine chemicals, bio-derived novel materials<br>30106 - Anatomy and morphology (plant science to be 1.6)<br>30107 - Medicinal chemistry<br>30108 - Toxicology<br>30109 - Pathology<br>30216 - Dermatology and venereal diseases<br>30221 - Critical care medicine and Emergency medicine<br>30223 - Anaesthesiology<br>30224 - Radiology, nuclear medicine and medical imaging<br>30225 - Allergy<br>30226 - Rheumatology<br>30227 - Geriatrics and gerontology<br>30229 - Integrative and complementary medicine (alternative practice systems)<br>30230 - Other clinical medicine subjects<br>30307 - Nursing<br>30308 - Nutrition, Dietetics<br>30309 - Tropical medicine<br>30310 - Parasitology<br>30311 - Medical ethics<br>30312 - Substance abuse<br>30401 - Health-related biotechnology<br>30402 - Technologies involving the manipulation of cells, tissues, organs or the whole organism (assisted reproduction)<br>30403 - Technologies involving identifying the functioning of DNA, proteins and enzymes and how they influence the onset of disease and maintenance of well-being (gene-based diagnostics and therapeutic interventions [pharmacogenomics, gene-based therapeutics])<br>30404 - Biomaterials (as related to medical implants, devices, sensors)<br>30405 - Medical biotechnology related ethics<br>30501 - Forensic science<br>30502 - Other medical science<br>40401 - Agricultural biotechnology and food biotechnology<br>40402 - GM technology (crops and livestock), livestock cloning, marker assisted selection, diagnostics (DNA chips and biosensing devices for the early/accurate detection of diseases) biomass feedstock production technologies, biopharming<br>40403 - Agricultural biotechnology related ethics
Completed project evaluation
Provider evaluation
U - Uspěl podle zadání (s publikovanými či patentovanými výsledky atd.)
Project results evaluation
Is the result of the project a utility model? the beneficiary has documented the utility model certificate No. 26427. According to the Contract on the Utilization of Results, another result of the project is also Other? Expert reports. Due to the unclear distribution of project results and their use?
Solution timeline
Realization period - beginning
Jan 1, 2012
Realization period - end
Dec 31, 2013
Project status
U - Finished project
Latest support payment
Apr 30, 2012
Data delivery to CEP
C - Předmět řešení projektu podléhá obchodnímu tajemství (§ 504 Občanského zákoníku), ale název projektu, cíle projektu a u ukončeného nebo zastaveného projektu zhodnocení výsledku řešení projektu (údaje P03, P04, P15, P19, P29, PN8) dodané do CEP, jsou upraveny tak, aby byly zveřejnitelné.
Data delivery code
Data delivery date
Sep 16, 2020
Total approved costs
15,555 thou. CZK
Public financial support
8,244 thou. CZK
Other public sources
0 thou. CZK
Non public and foreign sources
7,311 thou. CZK