The Czech Security Policy of the CR after entrering to NATO (RB12/27/99)
Long term strategic orientation of the Czech Security policy after entrering to NATO...
AD - Politologie a politické vědy
- 1999 - 2001 •
- 231 tis. Kč •
- 231 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 1999 - 1. 1. 2001
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí
System for Strategic Security Research Management (VK01020207)
and implementation of security research policy and the acquisition of strategic information for the effective management of the security research system in the Czech Republic and its information about the...
Public administration
- 2023 - 2026 •
- 15 601 tis. Kč •
- 15 601 tis. Kč •
- MV
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo vnitra
Trends, risks and scenarios of the security evolvement in the world, Europe and the Czech Republic - impacts on the security policy and security system of the Czech Republic (VG20102013009)
Main goal of the project is based on the analysis of trends, threats and risks of the security environment to prepare scenarios of possible development, to form metodology of strategic documents creation and recommendations for inov...
AD - Politologie a politické vědy
- 2010 - 2013 •
- 8 603 tis. Kč •
- 8 076 tis. Kč •
- MV
Řešení projektu: 1. 11. 2010 - 31. 12. 2013
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (94%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo vnitra
Methodology for the forecast, early warning, and prevention of threats to Czech internal security from regional armed conflicts (VI20172020094)
The main aim of the project is to supply the security and intelligence services of the Czech Republic – namely the Section for Security Policy a Crime Prevention armed conflicts and the threats generated by them fo...
AD - Politologie a politické vědy
- 2017 - 2020 •
- 5 965 tis. Kč •
- 5 965 tis. Kč •
- MV
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2017 - 31. 12. 2020
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo vnitra
Strategic partnerships in the foreign policy of the Czech Republic (TB940MZV003/MP04)
The purpose of the analysis is to develop a concept of strategic partnerships as an important tool for promoting the interests and goals of the Czech foreign policy.......
AD - Politologie a politické vědy
- 2016 - 2016 •
- 114 tis. Kč •
- 114 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2016 - 15. 5. 2016
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura ČR
Perception of the Security Policy Problems by the Czech Public - Sociological Research (RM01/01/04)
Perception of the Security Policy Problems by the Czech Public...
AO - Sociologie, demografie
- 2004 - 2004 •
- 490 tis. Kč •
- 490 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2004 - 1. 1. 2004
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí
Utilization of foreign policy instruments to strengthen the Czech Republic's resistance to hybrid threats (TIRVMZV942)
in NATO / EU Member States 3. Improvement of foreign policy procedures that the CzechThe main objective of the project is to develop new foreign policy approaches of existing major collective (EU, NATO) and national st...
Political science
- 2020 - 2022 •
- 1 774 tis. Kč •
- 1 774 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 8. 2020 - 31. 10. 2022
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura ČR
Methods of predicting long-term geopolitical development in Central Europe (VF20102015005)
and verify the tools of policy analysis in security and defense policy using the example institutions and security policy networks by making use of the internet and internet-basedFirst part: Development, ...
AO - Sociologie, demografie
- 2010 - 2015 •
- 6 695 tis. Kč •
- 6 695 tis. Kč •
- MV
Řešení projektu: 1. 10. 2010 - 30. 9. 2015
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo vnitra
Coherence of policies for development - variants of recommended procedures based on the analysis of foreign practice (TIRAMZV314)
The main goal is to contribute to a comprehensive grasp of Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) in the public sphere of the Czech Republic and thus fulfill one of the goals of Agenda 2030 and the Strategic Framework of th...
Political science
- 2024 - 2024 •
- 870 tis. Kč •
- 870 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 2. 2024 - 31. 7. 2024
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura ČR
Falling oil prices Research into the impact on producer countries in the EU's neighborhood (TITDMZV930MT01)
for the Czech Republic, specifically on Czech foreign policy in relation to individual of the state administration in the field of foreign policy and international relations, specifically with a focus on the econo...
Political science
- 2020 - 2020 •
- 279 tis. Kč •
- 279 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 10. 2020 - 31. 12. 2020
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura ČR
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