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1 330 (0,169s)


The Vocabulary of the Great Moravia (GA405/94/0896)

AI - Jazykověda

  • 1994 - 1996
  • 822 tis. Kč
  • 1 244 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

Between Great and Přemyslid Moravia. The archaeology of the collapse and recovery of Early Medieval society (GAP405/12/0111)

Great Moravia is a major theme in Central European medieval studies. One of the fundamental issues of the research into Great Moravia is related to the collapse of the whole social system and its transition into a ...

AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie

  • 2012 - 2016
  • 5 838 tis. Kč
  • 5 838 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

Landscape indicators of Great Moravia core area (7AMB14SK006)

1.Identification of areas and non-building objects indicating environmental factors at the time of the Great Moravian Empire, including their distribution in the area of interest. 2.Completing a cartographic documentation on objects increase...

DE - Zemský magnetismus, geodesie, geografie

  • 2014 - 2015
  • 94 tis. Kč
  • 94 tis. Kč
  • MŠMT

Magnae Moraviae Fontes Historici I (GAP405/12/0625)

1st Revised edition MMFH I (narrative sources) 2nd Monograph 2.a Image of "otherness" as one of the sources of early medieval Bohemian and Moravian identity 2.b Rewritinig history - rewriting identity (St Wenceslas and Great Mo...

AB - Dějiny

  • 2012 - 2017
  • 2 056 tis. Kč
  • 2 056 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

Slovanic Skeleton Barrow Ground in Stěbořice and the Great Moravian Intervention in the Region North of the Moravian Gate (IAA8001401)

important issues concerning the Great Moravian intervention in the region north of the last decade in particular provide evidence of the gradually growing influence Great Moravia exercised in said territory, be it in the f...

AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie

  • 2004 - 2006
  • 573 tis. Kč
  • 573 tis. Kč
  • AV ČR

Ticino Artists in Moravia (GPP409/12/P302)

had the leading position in nearly all art fields in Moravia until the beginning today) had a great impact on shaping of the cultural and art environment in the Czech Republic and other countries in the 17th century. Their activiti...

AL - Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví

  • 2012 - 2016
  • 1 326 tis. Kč
  • 1 326 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

The peoples at the end of Great Moravia bioarchaeology and taphonomy of the new cemetery at the northeast suburb at Pohansko (Břeclav) (GA14-22823S)

of the Great Moravian population and formation of the new civilization structure of the emergent Přemyslid Moravia. The project’s main objective is anthropological......

AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie

  • 2014 - 2016
  • 4 760 tis. Kč
  • 4 760 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

The Church architecture of the Great-Moravian Mikulčice (GA404/07/1513)

of the church architecture of Great Moravia, and especially Mikulčice. The projectThe discovery of till now intact great-Moravian church in Kopčany has initiated a new phase in the study of the church architecture of the 9...

AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie

  • 2007 - 2010
  • 1 960 tis. Kč
  • 1 960 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

Great Moravia and 1150 years of Christianity in Central Europe (DF12P01OVV010)

is the Christianisation of Great Moravia, i.e. the issue which links our material and intangible collection of finds from important Great Moravian sites, some of which have been declared ecclesiastical buildings in general...

AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie

  • 2012 - 2015
  • 21 565 tis. Kč
  • 21 507 tis. Kč
  • MK

Slavonic burial ground of the latter half of the 9th to the early 12th centuries at Mušov. Catalogue. (GA404/98/0693)

priceless data about the cultural development in Moravia at the time of Great Moravia of the ring wall period in Moravia ( 259 graves ). It thus yields not only important data in the post-Great Moravian p...

AB - Dějiny

  • 1998 - 1998
  • 198 tis. Kč
  • 198 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR
  • 1 - 10 out of 1 330