´Hill-top sites Slánská hora and Vraný-Čertovka in central Bohemia´ (GA404/05/2039)
and knowledge on the function of our prehistoric hill-top sites.Characteristics of the project: The essence of the proposed project" Hill-top sites Slánská hora and Vraný-Čertovka in Central Bohe...
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 2005 - 2007 •
- 468 tis. Kč •
- 468 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2005 - 31. 12. 2007
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Grantová agentura České republiky
Hill-top sites and hillforts of the middle eneolithic in Bohemia (3400-2800 B.C.) (GA404/02/0481)
the present knowledge including: 1) the hill-top settlements of the above mentioned period...
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 2002 - 2004 •
- 1 320 tis. Kč •
- 1 320 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2002 - 1. 1. 2004
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Grantová agentura České republiky
Prehistoric and Early Historical Hill-forts in Moravia III (DB06P01OPP008)
The aim of the proposed project is a complete register of all hill-forts on the territory of district. A detailed geodetic surveying of sites on a large scale hill-forts with the intention to define their chronology more pr...
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 2006 - 2008 •
- 965 tis. Kč •
- 418 tis. Kč •
- MK
Řešení projektu: 1. 3. 2006 - 31. 12. 2008
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (43%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo kultury
Bacín - A Cult Locality of the Hallstatt Period in the Bohemian Karst. Final Evaluation of Complex Research (IAA9002805)
. the digitizing model of the terrain surface of the top of the hill, which is important pre of partial analyses, obtained by research of the Hallstatt Period cult place on top of the Bacín Hill. The project is div...
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 1998 - 1999 •
- 243 tis. Kč •
- 166 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 1998 - 1. 1. 1999
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (68%)
Poskytovatel: Akademie věd České republiky
The identification of destroyed fortifications and internal structure of settlement of hill-forts (PK99P04OPP007)
photographs of surveyed sites. The choise of hill-forts has been realised with regard to archaelogical, historical importance of these sites and also with regard to results of choosen hill-forts by non-destructive...
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 1999 - 2000 •
- 124 tis. Kč •
- 70 tis. Kč •
- MK
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 1999 - 1. 1. 2000
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (56%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo kultury
Prehistoric and Early Historical Hill-forts in Moravia II (PK99P04OPP010)
historical hill-forts on the territory of district Vyškov. A detailed geodetic surveying of sites on a large scale, a description and photographical documentation of theirs a minute sonding of some not exactly dated hill-f...
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 1999 - 2001 •
- 1 040 tis. Kč •
- 1 040 tis. Kč •
- MK
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 1999 - 1. 1. 2001
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo kultury
Hill-top sacral centre of the Late Bronze Age in Cezavy near Blučina - digital catalogue and analyses of resources (GA404/09/0585)
The top-hill Cezavy near Blučina belongs to the most important and most intensively explored Czech archeological monuments. However none of the horizons of its oocupations has been compiled and picked out completely. It seems to be ...
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 2009 - 2012 •
- 1 391 tis. Kč •
- 1 391 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2009 - 31. 12. 2012
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Grantová agentura České republiky
Celtic oppida among other hill-forts - an intercultural comparison (GA17-20106S)
and social systems connected with them. Setting these sites into broader chronological to evaluate the oppida in comparison with the hill-forts of the previous (6th-5th c. BC undertaken although the present state of knowledge on op...
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 2017 - 2021 •
- 2 346 tis. Kč •
- 2 346 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2017 - 31. 12. 2021
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Grantová agentura České republiky
Hill settlements from Hallstatt and La Tene periods in West Bohemia (GA404/02/1527)
The essence of the project is to publicise acquired material, which was possible to process and evaluate within the framework of the GAER project, In Western Bohemia, it was possible to document 51 elevated sites and find...
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 2002 - 2003 •
- 720 tis. Kč •
- 500 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2002 - 1. 1. 2003
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (69%)
Poskytovatel: Grantová agentura České republiky
Eneolithic long barrows in Bohemia and reconstruction of the ritual landscape around the hill of Říp (GA21-25440S)
for long time. Aerial prospection in recent decades has identified several sites with the probable occurrence of these monuments. Their concentration in the Říp hill region sites and thus contribute to the discussion of th...
- 2021 - 2023 •
- 5 012 tis. Kč •
- 5 012 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2023
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Grantová agentura České republiky
- 1 - 10 out of 2 180