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Inovation of production technology of growing substrate and development of environmentally safe preparations for enhancing plant defense and storability of the plant products against plant diseases (TA01020163)
The aims of this project are: 1. To develop new environmentally safe preparations for enhancing plant defense against plant diseases and pests established for little consumers and ecological farmers. 2. To develop a special...
GF - Choroby, škůdci, plevely a ochrana rostlin
- 2011 - 2014 •
- 10 860 tis. Kč •
- 8 416 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2011 - 31. 12. 2014
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (77%)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura ČR
The development of new, environmentally friendly preparations for plant protection (TA04020103)
The object is to develop 3 new environmentally safe preparations based on extractable plant substances. The formulations of preparations will be determined for the retail consumers and ecological farmers. Developed...
GF - Choroby, škůdci, plevely a ochrana rostlin
- 2014 - 2017 •
- 10 029 tis. Kč •
- 6 470 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 7. 2014 - 31. 12. 2017
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (65%)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura ČR
Safe control of common vole population minimizing non-target effects (FW04020055)
phosphide baits manifest negative environmental side effects – primary and secondary poisoning of non-target species. The project aims are 1) to develop a new safe alpha-chloralose bait with high palatability and efficacy for co...
- 2022 - 2025 •
- 11 500 tis. Kč •
- 8 212 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (71%)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura ČR
Development of new plant protection products based on plant extracts (FW06010376)
will be suitable for the preparation of spray liquid, will be environmentally and health safe on environmentally safe substances used in the food industry.......
Agronomy, plant breeding and plant protection; (Agricultural biotechnology to be 4.4)
- 2023 - 2027 •
- 12 932 tis. Kč •
- 8 597 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2027
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (66%)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura ČR
System of preparation and further training of professional drivers developing their ability to drive safely. (1F54L/097/160)
System of preparation and further training of professional drivers developing their ability to drive safely....
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 2005 - 2009 •
- 5 705 tis. Kč •
- 5 705 tis. Kč •
- MD
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2005 - 31. 12. 2009
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo dopravy
*Ecological Systems Based on Thermoplastic Polymers for Special Adhesive Applications (FR-TI3/169)
. Proposition of ecological techniques enabling safe and environmentally friendly removing*Preparation of new ecologically favourable thermoplastic compositions with optimized processing and usable properties intended mainl...
CD - Makromolekulární chemie
- 2011 - 2014 •
- 10 586 tis. Kč •
- 7 000 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2011 - 31. 12. 2014
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (66%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Rubber with environmentally acceptable additives investigation of relationship among the aditive, rubber and properties of the resulting material, the development of new grades of rubber (FT-TA3/109)
Project is focused on a research, development and optimization of properties of rubber and rubber compounds containing alternative ecologically safe softeners. It is based mainly on preparation of non-toxic processing oils, their ap...
CI - Průmyslová chemie a chemické inženýrství
- 2006 - 2009 •
- 18 133 tis. Kč •
- 6 730 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 4. 2006 - 31. 12. 2009
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (37%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
MySafe (FX04030079_3347)
The presented project deals with the development of an innovative solution for controlling a safe lock and the preparation of production technology and means and robotized process that will make it possible to produce safes...
Robotics and automatic control
- 2023 - 2025 •
- 16 351 tis. Kč •
- 6 479 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (40%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
The new, safe products improving soil characteristics and health of cultivated plants (TH03030009)
nutrients and organic mass to the soil and increase the soil potential; 3. Be safe for the environmental and health, suitable for small-scale and ecological farmers. Implementation of the risky pesticides will be replaced with ...
Veterinary science
- 2018 - 2021 •
- 10 267 tis. Kč •
- 6 127 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 1. 2018 - 31. 12. 2021
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (60%)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura ČR
Effect of biological active substances extracted from selected plants of the Eurasian area on model species of pests of agricultural products. (LH11133)
The aim of this project is to obtain new environmentally safe preparations for increasing plant resistance to diseases and pests for small consumers and ecological farmers. The next aim is to find out the effect of lethal a...
GF - Choroby, škůdci, plevely a ochrana rostlin
- 2011 - 2014 •
- 3 000 tis. Kč •
- 3 000 tis. Kč •
Řešení projektu: 1. 3. 2011 - 31. 12. 2014
Uznané náklady
Podpora ze státního rozpočtu (100%)
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
- 1 - 10 out of 8 348