Minipaper 05: Phenology and critical temperatures
The result's identifiers
Result code in IS VaVaI
<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/00027006:_____/19:00005553 -</a>
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Original language name
Minipaper 05: Phenology and critical temperatures
Original language description
The aim of this minipaper is to present and discuss available knowledge on frost damage critical temperatures and phenological event simulation, that are fundamental for frost damage prediction models. We start with an overview of the physiological background of plants related with dormancy process. The degree of frost damage depends on weather conditions as well as on the stage of the plant. As the phenological stage is crucial for the susceptibility to frost, it is important to understand the physiology of the plant and the influencing factors for budbreak or bloom. In addition to the plant stage, the critical temperature for the plant depends on various factors, which – to some extent – can be influenced by the farmer. In order to predict the risk of frost in time, phenological models can be helpful to predict plant development. In: EIP-AGRI Focus Group Protecting fruit production from frost damage, 14 pp.
Czech name
Czech description
O - Miscellaneous
CEP classification
OECD FORD branch
40105 - Horticulture, viticulture
Result continuities
I - Institucionalni podpora na dlouhodoby koncepcni rozvoj vyzkumne organizace
Publication year
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů