Dermal replacemenet with Matriderm(R) - first experience at the Prague Burn Centre
Result description
Introduction. The quality of resulting scar tissue plays an important role in patients' return to normal life and full functioning in society. The use of artificial skin substitutes in clinical practice improves functional and cosmetic outcomes. This is true for any patient, and not only those suffering from burns. Material and methods. The collagen elastin dermal substitute Matriderm(R) allows for immediate application of a dermal substitute together with a skin graft. The authors present a group of 10 patients representing their first experience in utilizing Matriderm(R) as a dermal substitute in the treatment of skin losses due to various etiologies. Results. The average healing time in the group was 19.6 days. Healing took place without serious infectious complications and with good functional results. Conclusion. Matriderm(R) can be utilized as an alternative to the most commonly used dermal substitute so far, Integra(R), in the treatment of acute skin loss due to various etiologies and in reconstructive surgery.
The result's identifiers
Result code in IS VaVaI
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DOI - Digital Object Identifier
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Result language
Original language name
Dermal replacemenet with Matriderm(R) - first experience at the Prague Burn Centre
Original language description
Introduction. The quality of resulting scar tissue plays an important role in patients' return to normal life and full functioning in society. The use of artificial skin substitutes in clinical practice improves functional and cosmetic outcomes. This is true for any patient, and not only those suffering from burns. Material and methods. The collagen elastin dermal substitute Matriderm(R) allows for immediate application of a dermal substitute together with a skin graft. The authors present a group of 10 patients representing their first experience in utilizing Matriderm(R) as a dermal substitute in the treatment of skin losses due to various etiologies. Results. The average healing time in the group was 19.6 days. Healing took place without serious infectious complications and with good functional results. Conclusion. Matriderm(R) can be utilized as an alternative to the most commonly used dermal substitute so far, Integra(R), in the treatment of acute skin loss due to various etiologies and in reconstructive surgery.
Czech name
Czech description
JSC - Article in a specialist periodical, which is included in the SCOPUS database
CEP classification
OECD FORD branch
30212 - Surgery
Result continuities
V - Vyzkumna aktivita podporovana z jinych verejnych zdroju
Publication year
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data specific for result type
Name of the periodical
Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae
Volume of the periodical
Issue of the periodical within the volume
Country of publishing house
Number of pages
Pages from-to
UT code for WoS article
EID of the result in the Scopus database
Basic information
Result type
JSC - Article in a specialist periodical, which is included in the SCOPUS database
Year of implementation