Measurement of characteristic curves of pump KP06 (C) (65/16) and design of a new impeller
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Result code in IS VaVaI
<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/00216305:26210/15:PU117854 -</a>
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Original language name
Measurement of characteristic curves of pump KP06 (C) (65/16) and design of a new impeller
Original language description
Report covers research of one-stage volute pump KP06(C) (65/16) for company SPP Pumps Ltd. Measured head overall efficiency and NPSH curves are presented and briefly commented. Impeller modification by blade under-filing increased pump in whole range ofoperation by 6% while efficiency drop was 1.5%. New impeller into existing volute was designed using semi-empirical relations and CFD simulation. Maximus hydraulic efficiency, based on numerical results, achieves 90.6% and coincides with design flow rate. Head in the best efficiency point is 33 meters.
Czech name
Czech description
V<sub>souhrn</sub> - Summary research report
CEP classification
JE - Non-nuclear power engineering, energy consumption and utilization
OECD FORD branch
Result continuities
N - Vyzkumna aktivita podporovana z neverejnych zdroju
Publication year
C - Předmět řešení projektu podléhá obchodnímu tajemství (§ 504 Občanského zákoníku), ale název projektu, cíle projektu a u ukončeného nebo zastaveného projektu zhodnocení výsledku řešení projektu (údaje P03, P04, P15, P19, P29, PN8) dodané do CEP, jsou upraveny tak, aby byly zveřejnitelné.
Data specific for result type
Number of pages
Place of publication
Publisher/client name
VUT v Brně, FSI, Energetický ústav, Odbor fluidního inženýrství V. Kaplana