Social Services in the Czech Republic.
Result description
The text was presented at the ?Social services of general interest in present and future Europe ? The future of municipal and charitable social services? conference. It informs of the changes in the effect of social services in the CR in the nineties, their background and their direction. It is mostly aimed at the administration, management and decentralisation of the social services system, and mentions the financing and accessibility of the services.
CRsocial servicesadministration of social servicesaccessability social services
The result's identifiers
Result code in IS VaVaI
Result on the web
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
Alternative languages
Result language
Original language name
Social Services in the Czech Republic.
Original language description
The text was presented at the ?Social services of general interest in present and future Europe ? The future of municipal and charitable social services? conference. It informs of the changes in the effect of social services in the CR in the nineties, their background and their direction. It is mostly aimed at the administration, management and decentralisation of the social services system, and mentions the financing and accessibility of the services.
Czech name
Sociální služby v České republice.
Czech description
Text by prezentován na konferenci ?Social services of general interest in prezent and future Europe ? The future of municipal and charitable social services?. Informuje o změnách působení sociálních služeb v ČR v devadesátých letech, jejich pozadí a směřování. Zaměřuje se především na administraci, řízení a decentraliazaci systému sociálních služeb, zmiňuje též financování a dostupnost služeb.
C - Chapter in a specialist book
CEP classification
AO - Sociology, demography
OECD FORD branch
Result continuities
Z - Vyzkumny zamer (s odkazem do CEZ)
Publication year
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data specific for result type
Book/collection name
Daseinsvorsorge in Europa heute und morgen ? die Zukunft der kommunalen und freigemeinnutzigen sozialen Dienste
Number of pages of the result
Pages from-to
Number of pages of the book
Publisher name
Place of publication
Frankfurt am Main
UT code for WoS chapter
Basic information
Result type
C - Chapter in a specialist book
AO - Sociology, demography
Year of implementation