Phencyclidine Discoordinates Hippocampal Network Activity But Not Place Fields
Result description
We used the psychotomimetic phencyclidine (PCP) to investigate the relationships among cognitive behavior, coordinated neural network function, and information processing within the hippocampus place cell system. We report in rats that PCP (5 mg/kg, i.p.) impairs a well learned, hippocampus-dependent place avoidance behavior in rats that requires cognitive control even when PCP is injected directly into dorsal hippocampus. PCP increases 60-100 Hz medium-freguency gamma oscillations in hippocampus CA1 and these increases correlate with the cognitive impairment caused by systemic PCP administration. PCP discoordinates theta-modulated medium-frequency and slow gamma oscillations in CA1 LFPs such that medium-frequency gamma oscillations become more theta-organized than slow gamma oscillations. CA1 place cell firing fields are preserved under PCP, but the drug discoordinates the subsecond temporal organization of discharge among place cells. This discoordination causes place cell ensemble representations of a familiar space to cease resembling pre-PCP representations despite preserved place fields. These findings point to the cognitive impairments caused by PCP arising from neural discoordination. PCP disrupts the timing of discharge with respect to the subsecond timescales of theta and gamma oscillations in the LFP. Because these oscillations arise from local inhibitory synaptic activity, these findings point to excitation-inhibition discoordination as the root of PCP-induced cognitive impairment.
The result's identifiers
Result code in IS VaVaI
Alternative codes found
RIV/67985823:_____/17:00487929 RIV/00023752:_____/17:43919162
Result on the web
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
Alternative languages
Result language
Original language name
Phencyclidine Discoordinates Hippocampal Network Activity But Not Place Fields
Original language description
We used the psychotomimetic phencyclidine (PCP) to investigate the relationships among cognitive behavior, coordinated neural network function, and information processing within the hippocampus place cell system. We report in rats that PCP (5 mg/kg, i.p.) impairs a well learned, hippocampus-dependent place avoidance behavior in rats that requires cognitive control even when PCP is injected directly into dorsal hippocampus. PCP increases 60-100 Hz medium-freguency gamma oscillations in hippocampus CA1 and these increases correlate with the cognitive impairment caused by systemic PCP administration. PCP discoordinates theta-modulated medium-frequency and slow gamma oscillations in CA1 LFPs such that medium-frequency gamma oscillations become more theta-organized than slow gamma oscillations. CA1 place cell firing fields are preserved under PCP, but the drug discoordinates the subsecond temporal organization of discharge among place cells. This discoordination causes place cell ensemble representations of a familiar space to cease resembling pre-PCP representations despite preserved place fields. These findings point to the cognitive impairments caused by PCP arising from neural discoordination. PCP disrupts the timing of discharge with respect to the subsecond timescales of theta and gamma oscillations in the LFP. Because these oscillations arise from local inhibitory synaptic activity, these findings point to excitation-inhibition discoordination as the root of PCP-induced cognitive impairment.
Czech name
Czech description
Jimp - Article in a specialist periodical, which is included in the Web of Science database
CEP classification
OECD FORD branch
30103 - Neurosciences (including psychophysiology)
Result continuities
I - Institucionalni podpora na dlouhodoby koncepcni rozvoj vyzkumne organizace
Publication year
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data specific for result type
Name of the periodical
Journal of Neuroscience
Volume of the periodical
Issue of the periodical within the volume
Country of publishing house
Number of pages
Pages from-to
UT code for WoS article
EID of the result in the Scopus database
Result type
Jimp - Article in a specialist periodical, which is included in the Web of Science database
Neurosciences (including psychophysiology)
Year of implementation