Chess, Moral Principles, and Ancient Stories: The Success of Jacobus de Cessolis’s Liber de moribus and Other Classicising Works in Medieval Bohemia
The result's identifiers
Result code in IS VaVaI
<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/67985955:_____/21:00549237 -</a>
Result on the web
<a href="" target="_blank" ></a>
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
<a href="" target="_blank" >10.1484/M.USML-EB.5.125787</a>
Alternative languages
Result language
Original language name
Chess, Moral Principles, and Ancient Stories: The Success of Jacobus de Cessolis’s Liber de moribus and Other Classicising Works in Medieval Bohemia
Original language description
This article deals with one of the most popular medieval lay work - Liber de moribus hominum et officiis nobilium written by Jacobus de Cessolis. This work could be read as an allegorical treatise explaining the functioning of the medieval society on the basis of the rules of the game of chess. Another possible way of reading this book, which was no less responsible for its reader’s success, see in it a text mediating the knowledge about ancient Rome and Greece. This collection retelling the ancient history through stories, tales and exempla found a significant spread in medieval Bohemia as well as other similar collections used to the moral education (John of Wales Breviloquium, Gesta Romanorum or Pseudo-Burley’s Liber de vita et moribus philosophorum). This article analyses the spread and common destiny of these works on the example of several manuscripts containing them together. It also focuses on the main channels of transmission of these classicizing works in Central Europe.
Czech name
Czech description
C - Chapter in a specialist book
CEP classification
OECD FORD branch
60101 - History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)
Result continuities
<a href="/en/project/GA17-19808S" target="_blank" >GA17-19808S: Transmission of Knowledge. The Fortune of Four Bestsellers in Late Medieval Czech Lands</a><br>
I - Institucionalni podpora na dlouhodoby koncepcni rozvoj vyzkumne organizace
Publication year
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data specific for result type
Book/collection name
Books of Knowledge in Late Medieval Europe: Circulation and Reception of Popular Texts
Number of pages of the result
Pages from-to
Number of pages of the book
Publisher name
Place of publication
UT code for WoS chapter