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Microfabricated liquid junction hybrid capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry interface for fully automated operation

Result description

One of the challenging instrumental aspects in coupling an automated CE instrument with ESI mass spectrometry (CE-MS) is finding the balance between the stability, reproducibility and sensitivity of the analysis and compatibility with the standard CE instrumentation. Here, we present a development of a new liquid junction based electrospray interface for automated CE-MS, with a focus on the technical design followed by computer modeling of transport conditions as well as characterization of basic performance of the interface. This hybrid arrangement designed as a microfabricated unit attachable to the automated CE instrument allows using of a wide range of separation capillaries with respect to their diameter, length or internal coating (e.g., for suppressed electroosmotic flow). Different compositions of the ESI liquid and background electrolyte solutions can be used if needed. The microfabricated part, prepared by laser machining from polyimide, includes a self-aligning liquid junction, a short transport channel, and a pointed sprayer for the electrospray ionization. This microfabricated part is positioned in a plastic connection block securing the separation capillary and flushing ports. Transport conditions were modelled using computer simulation and the real life performance of the interface was compared to that of a commercial sheath liquid interface. The basic performance of the interface was demonstrated by separations of peptides, proteins, and oligosaccharides.


capillary electrophoresisCE-MS interfaceliquid junctionmicrofabrication

The result's identifiers

Alternative languages

  • Result language


  • Original language name

    Microfabricated liquid junction hybrid capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry interface for fully automated operation

  • Original language description

    One of the challenging instrumental aspects in coupling an automated CE instrument with ESI mass spectrometry (CE-MS) is finding the balance between the stability, reproducibility and sensitivity of the analysis and compatibility with the standard CE instrumentation. Here, we present a development of a new liquid junction based electrospray interface for automated CE-MS, with a focus on the technical design followed by computer modeling of transport conditions as well as characterization of basic performance of the interface. This hybrid arrangement designed as a microfabricated unit attachable to the automated CE instrument allows using of a wide range of separation capillaries with respect to their diameter, length or internal coating (e.g., for suppressed electroosmotic flow). Different compositions of the ESI liquid and background electrolyte solutions can be used if needed. The microfabricated part, prepared by laser machining from polyimide, includes a self-aligning liquid junction, a short transport channel, and a pointed sprayer for the electrospray ionization. This microfabricated part is positioned in a plastic connection block securing the separation capillary and flushing ports. Transport conditions were modelled using computer simulation and the real life performance of the interface was compared to that of a commercial sheath liquid interface. The basic performance of the interface was demonstrated by separations of peptides, proteins, and oligosaccharides.

  • Czech name

  • Czech description


  • Type

    Jimp - Article in a specialist periodical, which is included in the Web of Science database

  • CEP classification

  • OECD FORD branch

    10406 - Analytical chemistry

Result continuities

  • Project

    Result was created during the realization of more than one project. More information in the Projects tab.

  • Continuities

    I - Institucionalni podpora na dlouhodoby koncepcni rozvoj vyzkumne organizace


  • Publication year


  • Confidentiality

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

Data specific for result type

  • Name of the periodical


  • ISSN


  • e-ISSN

  • Volume of the periodical


  • Issue of the periodical within the volume


  • Country of publishing house


  • Number of pages


  • Pages from-to


  • UT code for WoS article


  • EID of the result in the Scopus database


Basic information

Result type

Jimp - Article in a specialist periodical, which is included in the Web of Science database



Analytical chemistry

Year of implementation