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Implementation of components manufactured by 3D printing into machine equipment in the manufacturing process.
available devices for 3D printing technology; analyzing the suitability of using 3D on experimental 3D plastic printing equipment and for 3D printing of composite materials for mechanica...
Mechanical engineering
- 2017 •
- Vsouhrn
Rok uplatnění
Vsouhrn - Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
Development of the blend for Direct 3D printing
The contract research was focused on the development and characterization of the blend for Direct 3D printing.
Polymer science
- 2021 •
- Vsouhrn
Rok uplatnění
Vsouhrn - Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
Implementation of 3D printing technologies
process. The project analyzed the suitability of using 3D printing technology for selected applications, selection of suitable components for 3D printing technology in the part with respect to the load and require...
Mechanical engineering
- 2020 •
- Vsouhrn
Rok uplatnění
Vsouhrn - Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
Optimising the design and modelling of 3D printed component – report 2020 (internal)
. It focuses more on the HP PA 12 3D printing plastic. 3D printed samples are on the HP Jet (MJF) 3D printing method. 3D printed samples are analyzed in more detail. The use of o...
Mechanical engineering
- 2022 •
- O
Rok uplatnění
O - Ostatní výsledky
Application of 3D Printing in Electronics
The difference between 2D printing and 3D printing is shown. Methods of 3D printing based on using liquid-based systems, powder-based systems and solid-based systems are presented and advantages and disadv...
JA - Elektronika a optoelektronika, elektrotechnika
- 2016 •
- D •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Výsledek na webu
Prototype of 3D printed cranial orthosis
Project outcome is new 3D printed cranial orthosis. This project integrated available digital technologies (3D scanning, computational modelling, 3D printing). The goal was to develop new product - cranial...
Other medical science
- 2017 •
- Gprot
Rok uplatnění
Gprot - Prototyp
Print head for robotic 3D printing of construction mixtures
The print head is designed for continuous printing of construction mixtures containing aggregates and other additives. The main function of the print head is the extrusion of the resulting mixture with the possibility of re...
Architecture engineering
- 2020 •
- Gfunk •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
Gfunk - Funkční vzorek
Výsledek na webu
3D Printing Simulator
and visualization of the 3D printing process. The software allows to enter inputs to calculate a digitally printed structure such as print path and print parameters, as well as visualize 3D p...
Civil engineering
- 2020 •
- R •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
R - Software
Výsledek na webu
the printing of a sample with all filament print strategies available in the 3D makerThe article tackles the possibilities and effectiveness of different printing strategies on Easy 3D MAKER printer. This...
Mechanical engineering
- 2018 •
- Jimp •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
Jimp - Článek v periodiku v databázi Web of Science
Výsledek na webu
3D printing of functional microrobots
3D printing (also called "additive manufacturing" or "rapid. Since its introduction, 3D printing has aroused enormous interest among researchers correlation of printed 3D objects an...
Inorganic and nuclear chemistry
- 2021 •
- Jimp •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
Jimp - Článek v periodiku v databázi Web of Science
Výsledek na webu
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