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Material analysis "Cold Metal Transfer" seams
This work deals with a methodology of cold welding Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) and focuses on the analysis of the quality of welded joints. The research is particularly focused on welding of the galvanized steel and ...
JS - Řízení spolehlivosti a kvality, zkušebnictví
- 2014 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Equipment of the cold crucible for metal oxides melting
This article aims to present unique equipment of a cold crucible (CC) that allows induction melting of metal oxides (the so-called induction skull melting – ISM). Melting is based on the principle of induction heating, in which ener...
Energy and fuels
- 2020 •
- Jost •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
Jost - Ostatní články v recenzovaných periodicích
Výsledek na webu
Water evaporation-Condensation cooling system design for Pb-Li17 cold trap
The eutectic liquid metal Pb-Li17 is considered as one of the possible coolants is Tritium breeding. However, the flowing liquid metal dissolves alloying elements of the structural steels and thus causes their corrosion. The propose...
Nuclear related engineering; (nuclear physics to be 1.3);
- 2017 •
- Jimp •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
Jimp - Článek v periodiku v databázi Web of Science
Výsledek na webu
Evaporation and condensation model for a cooling system of the LiPb cold trap device
The eutectic liquid metal LiPb is considered as one of the tritium breeders of the first fusion power reactors. The flowing liquid metal dissolves alloying elements of the structural steels and thus causes their corrosion. The propo...
- 2019 •
- Jimp •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
Jimp - Článek v periodiku v databázi Web of Science
Výsledek na webu
Effect of corrosion process on mechanical properties and acoustic emission characteristics of Al/zinc-coated steel welded by cold metal transfer
The objective of present article is to study mechanical properties and acoustic emission (AE) characteristics occurring in cold metal transfer (CMT)-welded specimens subjected to corrosion process and tensile testing. In th...
JS - Řízení spolehlivosti a kvality, zkušebnictví
- 2015 •
- D •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Výsledek na webu
Device for cooling and temperature control of the cold trap for purifying liquid metals as coolant for Generation IV nuclear reactors and fusion reactors
The cold trap is a device for purifying liquid metal poluted by corrosion products. This document describes improved design of the cold trap cooling to ensure intensive heat removel and simple temperature control....
JF - Jaderná energetika
- 2013 •
- Fuzit •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
Fuzit - Užitný vzor
Výsledek na webu
Mechanical and chemical resistivity of CMT welded joints
The paper deals with analyzing the quality of special welded joints made by "Cold Metal Transfer" or "CMT" welding method. The aim of the experiment is to determine the impact of CMT welding on corrosion...
Materials engineering
- 2018 •
- D •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Výsledek na webu
Fatigue crack propagation in cantilever bending of cold sprayed metallic coatings
The poster session entitled „Fatigue crack propagation in cantilever bending of cold sprayed metallic coatings” was held on December 7, 2017 at Les Rencontres Internationales sur la Projection Thermique in France....
Materials engineering
- 2017 •
- O
Rok uplatnění
O - Ostatní výsledky
Design of a cold crucible for metals melting
This project's subject is the design of a cold crucible for melting metals. In the case of melting metals in a cold crucible, the whole induction system's to the melting of metal oxides, this low...
Electrical and electronic engineering
- 2017 •
- Vsouhrn
Rok uplatnění
Vsouhrn - Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
Computation of heat fluxes from metallic part of corium
The article deals with numerical calculations of a heat flux from molten stainless steel (representing a metallic part of a corium) through a calorimeter wall. The problem is solved using the heat transfer equation with defined bounda...
JF - Jaderná energetika
- 2016 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
- 1 - 10 out of 59 813