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An Old English Progenitor for Middle English Accusative his
This article discusses Old English attestation evidence for the progenitor of Middle English accusative "his".
- 2021 •
- Jimp •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
Jimp - Článek v periodiku v databázi Web of Science
Výsledek na webu
Bohemian English
inhabitants, knowledge of English as the lingua franca of the globalised world government has not always supported the instruction of English. The article explores the historical development of English language and studies...
Specific languages
- 2019 •
- JSC •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
JSC - Článek v periodiku v databázi SCOPUS
Výsledek na webu
English lessons in English?
The article focuses on one of the evergreen issues in ELT ? the Englishness of English lessons in the Czech context. Based on the action research projects of teacher trainees from the ELTE programme at the Faculty of Humanities, Uni...
AI - Jazykověda
- 2004 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
The history of the English language
The chapter is devoted to the genealogical typology of languages. It outlines the history of a language which - though genealogically West Germanic - has diverged from other Germanic languages in the systematic arrangement of its lexicon, its grammar...
Languages and Literature
- 2017 •
- C
Rok uplatnění
C - Kapitola v odborné knize
Úvod do studia anglického jazyka
A textbook for lst-year students of English. The definition of language, the description of a language, Standard English, grammars and dictionaries for Czech students of English, varieties of English, a brief surve...
AI - Jazykověda
- 1999 •
- O
Rok uplatnění
O - Ostatní výsledky
Reform of English Legal Language: A Linguistic Perspective
The text provides a linguist's perspective on attempts to reform legal English. These attempts are discussed with respect to the tradition of English style manuals and, crucially, the activities of the Plain English Movemen...
AI - Jazykověda
- 2009 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
, translator or teacher of English or university student of English, absolvent of a course English for Chemists or similar study) connected with work with chemical texts written in English. Although professional
AM - Pedagogika a školství
- 2014 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Comma in the English Sentence and Czech Students of English
The paper deals with the use of commas in English texts written by Czech students of English. Its objective is to find out to what extent the commas found in the students' writing correspond with the rules of English punctu...
AI - Jazykověda
- 2011 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
A sideview of syntactic constancy of adverbials between English and Czech Theory and Practice in English Studies
Syntactic constancy of adverbials in Czech and English.
AI - Jazykověda
- 2004 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
The Future of Teachers of English
This article aims at introducing the issue of English as a lingua franca and discussing possible implications this might have on the future of teachers of English as a foreign language....
AM - Pedagogika a školství
- 2012 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
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