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Texts to texbooks, their history,nature and function
AM - Pedagogika a školství
- 1996 •
- X
Rok uplatnění
X - Nezařazeno
Educational facilities of Czech history texbooksfor 7 th year of primary education
The paper deals with history textbooks for the 7th year of elementary school from the perspective of the didactic. It is a part of the dissertation project, dealing with the history textbook for the 6th and 7 year of elementary scho...
AB - Dějiny
- 2010 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Polish-Czech Group for Textbooks of Polish-Czech Scientific Society
The article is devoted to the problem of cooperation between Polish and Czech didactitians of history by the example of Polish-Czech Group for Texbooks, which was established in 2013 by the Polish-Czech Scientific Society. Chairwome...
History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)
- 2019 •
- Jost
Rok uplatnění
Jost - Ostatní články v recenzovaných periodicích
Mathematics 8/1 (Texbook).
Original scientific paper dealing with Mathematics 8/1 (Texbook).
AM - Pedagogika a školství
- 2000 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
European integration in history texbooks: methodological outline
European dimension in education and education to Europeanism belong to perspective pedagogical issues and practical problems in schools. The main aim of the chapter was clarify essential points of this issue and methodological aspects of its transiti...
AM - Pedagogika a školství
- 2011 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
History textbook for the 6th year of elementary school from the perspective of the didactic
This paper presents an analysis of the didactic background level of the History textbooks. It was chosen 9 current Czech history textbooks for the 6th grade of the primary school. Measurement of didactic background level of the text...
AM - Pedagogika a školství
- 2009 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Texbook of the Sanskrit Language
Textbook of the Sanskrit Language in 55 lessons for students of Indology and Comparative linguistics. Includes Key to the excercises, vocabularies and table of the more important verbs....
AI - Jazykověda
- 2006 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
The Main Results of the Research in the Texbooks of German
The paper presents the main results of the content analysis of textbooks of German for primary and lower secondary schools, made on the basis of the European and Czech curricular documents....
AM - Pedagogika a školství
- 2007 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Supplement to the Texbook of the Private International Law
AG - Právní vědy
- 1998 •
- X
Rok uplatnění
X - Nezařazeno
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