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Influence of Strengthening Effect on Machinability of the Welded Inconel 625 and of the Wrought Inconel 625
The article deals with the comparison of the different properties welded and wrought Inconel 625. The benchmark and the object of solution was to determine the size of hardening surface layer in the process of machining Inconel<...
JR - Ostatní strojírenství
- 2013 •
- D •
- Link
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Výsledek na webu
Research and development of high strenght wire procossening for INCONEL 625 superalloy
The aim of the work was to improve the mechanical properties of Inconel 625 wire by work hardnening. The processing was done using the rotary swaging. The final ultimate strength exceeded 1800MPa....
JG - Hutnictví, kovové materiály
- 2016 •
- Vsouhrn
Rok uplatnění
Vsouhrn - Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
Material analysis of INCONEL 625
This technical report summarizes material analyses performed on material INCONEL 625 made by 3D printing and/or casting. The assessment consisted of hardness test, tensile test and subsequently fractography and metallography on brok...
Materials engineering
- 2020 •
- Vsouhrn
Rok uplatnění
Vsouhrn - Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
Durability and Wear of Exchangeable Coated Inserts after Machining the Ni-625 Alloy
This contribution deals with machining and design of suitable cutting materials, cutting geometry and conditions for machining the Inconel 625 nickel superalloy the process of machining Inconel 625, and determines ...
JR - Ostatní strojírenství
- 2013 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Description of the Filler Metal from Material Inconel 625 Behavior at Creep and Relaxation
The aim of contractual research was to describe behavior of the material Inconel 625 at short-term creep and relaxation tests. Samples for tests were prepared from the filler material deposited under the submerged (121 acc. to ISO 4...
JR - Ostatní strojírenství
- 2016 •
- Vsouhrn
Rok uplatnění
Vsouhrn - Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
Analysis of bimetal pipe bends with a bend of 0.7D with a cladding layer of Inconel 625
with a cladding layer of Inconel 625 material was proposed for their production in order with Inconel 625 cladding was performed, which addressed not only the bend but also the mechanical properties of the pipe wi...
Automation and control systems
- 2021 •
- Jimp •
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Jimp - Článek v periodiku v databázi Web of Science
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Chemical heterogeneity of Inconel 625 overlay with an increased molybdenum content and its evaluation using the potentiodynamic corrosion test
by means of a thermal imaging camera. The surfaces of the Inconel 625 overlays wereThe paper focuses on a detailed analysis of chemical heterogeneity of Inconel 625 overlays with an increased molybdenum content de...
Materials engineering
- 2019 •
- D •
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Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Výsledek na webu
Processing of the surface welding technology of Inconel 625 material on the shaped surfaces of the membrane walls
Processing of the surface welding technology of Inconel 625 material on the shaped surfaces of the membrane walls. The output is technical drawings, documentation and technology design solutions for surface welding of Inconel
Mechanical engineering
- 2022 •
- Ztech •
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Ztech - Ověřená technologie
Výsledek na webu
Prototype of a machine for the application of a surface weld of Inconel 625 superalloy
of the Inconel 625 superalloy are among the key results of the solved project the technology of surface welding of Inconel 625 superalloy to the generally shaped area Inconel 625 on the productio...
Mechanical engineering
- 2022 •
- Gprot •
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Rok uplatnění
Gprot - Prototyp
Výsledek na webu
Corrosion resistance of Inconel 625 cladded by laser
The corrosion resistance of laser clad deposit of Inconel 625 alloy on S355J2 steel base material is evaluated and the dependence of its final corrosion properties on the cladding parameters is explored. The corrosion resistance wit...
JR - Ostatní strojírenství
- 2015 •
- O •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
O - Ostatní výsledky
Výsledek na webu
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