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Genesis of Oskar Nedbal?s Ballet From Tale to Tale in the Correspondence deposited in Theatre Department of National Museum
of The National Museum manages a part of Oskar Nedbal estate. Thanks to the tens pieces of letters between Nedbal and Novák we are able to look inside some preparations Ladislav Novák and composer Oskar <...
AL - Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví
- 2014 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Josef Suk´s letters to Oskar Nedbal
Annotated edition of Josef Suk´s letters to Oskar Nedbal. Most of the letters concern the performance of Suk´s "Summer Tale" in Vienna 1910 (conducted by Oskar Nedbal)....
AL - Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví
- 2003 •
- A
Rok uplatnění
A - Audiovizuální tvorba
Saint Wenceslas: the first Czechoslovak historical epic film
All about movie Saint Wenceslas (1930): motivation, realisation, financing, responses. The genesis of the film Saint Wenceslas was meant to complement the official program of the celebration commemorating the 1000th anniversary of the martyrdom of th...
AL - Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví
- 2010 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
Martin Nedbal: Morality and Viennese Opera in the Age of Mozart and Beethoven
Critical review of Martin Nedbal's publication Morality and Viennese Opera in the Age of Mozart and Beethoven, which was published within the project Ashgate Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera....
Performing arts studies (Musicology, Theater science, Dramaturgy)
- 2018 •
- O
Rok uplatnění
O - Ostatní výsledky
He Jests at Scars that Never felt a Wound: Miloš Nedbal
Analysis of the actor phenomenon of the leading representative of one generation from avant-garde beginnings to his acting in official theater during the German occupation......
AL - Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví
- 2013 •
- C
Rok uplatnění
C - Kapitola v odborné knize
Žo Langerová. At that Time in Bratislava: My life with Oskar L. Reference.
Reference of the book by Žo Langerová called At that Time in Bratislava: My life with Oskar L.
AC - Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
- 2008 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Oskar Engländer
The text deals with a lawyer and economist Oskar Engländer (1876–1936).
- 2022 •
- C
Rok uplatnění
C - Kapitola v odborné knize
Two times about Oskar Schindler.
Original scientific paper dealing with Two times about Oskar Schindler.
AB - Dějiny
- 1998 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Oskar Bendiener
Life and work of a German writer from the Moravian city Brno Oskar Bendiener.
AJ - Písemnictví, mas–media, audiovize
- 2003 •
- C
Rok uplatnění
C - Kapitola v odborné knize
Ballet Theater from the Perspective of Musical Dramaturgy - Selected Chapters from the History of Original Ballet Music of the 20th Century
of Oskar Nedbal and Vítězslav Novák's inputs to the ballet scene, as well as overviews...
Performing arts studies (Musicology, Theater science, Dramaturgy)
- 2020 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
- 1 - 10 out of 4 113