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Monte Carlo Reliability Analysis of Systems with a Human Operator
systems and their reliability. Reliability of these systems is given by technical reliability and reliability of a human operator. Using a modern approach - the Monte Carlo reliability analysis for re...
Electrical and electronic engineering
- 2016 •
- Jimp •
- Link
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Jimp - Článek v periodiku v databázi Web of Science
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The delivery reliability problem
The chapter explains the importance of delivery reliability for succes of the firm, classifies the categories of losses due to insufficient reliability, specifies the measures of delivery reliability and in the end it recom...
AH - Ekonomie
- 2004 •
- C
Rok uplatnění
C - Kapitola v odborné knize
Inverse reliability analysis in structural design
In the paper a new methodology for inverse reliability analysis is proposed and its usage in structural design is demonstrated. The aim of inverse reliability correspond torequired reliability levels. Within the framework o...
JM - Inženýrské stavitelství
- 2011 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Inovation methods for reliability quantification of systems and elements
Inovation methods for reliability quantification of systems and elements are devided into three parts. First part is focussed on reliability assessment of highly reliable elements, socond part brings effective procedures an...
BB - Aplikovaná statistika, operační výzkum
- 2007 •
- B
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B - Odborná kniha
Field data reliability analysis of highly reliable item
The paper deals with proposed method for reliability assessment which is based on the field data. These data were collected by the items producer and they are supposed to be assessed to estimate one side reliability interval of high...
JS - Řízení spolehlivosti a kvality, zkušebnictví
- 2009 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Using Reliability Indices to Improve Supply Reliability in Distribution Systems
The paper deals with reliability indices to improve supply reliability in distribution systems. The paper explains reliability indices integration possibilities, data acquisition and statistic processing....
JE - Nejaderná energetika, spotřeba a užití energie
- 2004 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Reliability Indices and their Relevance to Providing Reliability in the Power Supply For End-use Costumers
The paper deals with reliability indices relevance to reliability of power supply for end customers. The paper explains reliability indices construction including case studies....
JE - Nejaderná energetika, spotřeba a užití energie
- 2004 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Costs of reliable sealing of flanged joints
Costs of reliable sealing of flanged joints Costs of reliable sealing of flanged joints Costs of reliable sealing of flanged jointsCosts of reliable sealing of flanged jointsCosts of reliable sealing of fl...
CI - Průmyslová chemie a chemické inženýrství
- 2009 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Reliability analysis.
Basic themes in document: reliability of measurement; reliability analysis. | Š š é ń ó # * . z...
BB - Aplikovaná statistika, operační výzkum
- 2001 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Conference Structural Reliability
The international conference is focused on the following topics: reliability and probability tasks in mechanics, general requirements for the reliability of structures, time-dependent reliability and service life of structu...
JN - Stavebnictví
- 2016 •
- M •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
M - Uspořádání konference
Výsledek na webu
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