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40 474 (0,219s)


Hardware Acceleration of Approximate Palindromes Searching

We present FPGA-based hardware architecture for approximate palindrome searching...

JC - Počítačový hardware a software

  • 2008
  • D

Approximate String Matching by Fuzzy Automata

We explain new ways of constructing search algorithms using fuzzy sets and fuzzy automata. This technique can be used to search or match strings in special. This kind of similarity cannot be handled by usual searching algor...

JC - Počítačový hardware a software

  • 2009
  • Jx

Approximate String Matching by Fuzzy Automata

We explain new ways of constructing search algorithms using fuzzy sets and fuzzy automata. This technique can be used to search or match strings in special. This kind of similarity cannot be handled by usual searching algor...

IN - Informatika

  • 2009
  • D

Approximate Similarity Search in Metric Data by Using Region Proximity

The problem of approximated similarity search for the range and nearest neighbor queries is investigated for generic metric spaces. The search speedup of two orders of magnitude can be achieved for moderately approximat...

BD - Teorie informace

  • 2000
  • D

A Metric Index for Approximate Text Management

applying storage organizations such as the sequential search. We have investigated the properties of the D-index to approximate searching and matching of text databases.Text collections of data need not only search

BD - Teorie informace

  • 2002
  • D

NM-tree: Flexible Approximate Similarity Search in Metric and Non-metric Spaces

into metric) enabled MAMs to perform also nonmetric similarity search. Moreover, it simultaneously enabled faster approximate search (either metric or nonmetric). HoweverSo far, an efficient similarity search in m...

JC - Počítačový hardware a software

  • 2008
  • D

On Scalable Approximate Search with the Signature Quadratic Form Distance

index is used for exact search. In this paper we combine such configurable model with state of the art approximate search techniques developed for the M-Index of the measure leads also to very competitive approximate

IN - Informatika

  • 2013
  • D
  • Link

Search for R-parity violation with a (U)over-bar(D)over-bar(D)over-bar coupling at root s approximate to 189 GeV.

Search for R-parity violation with a (U)over-bar(D)over-bar(D)over-bar coupling at root s approximate to 189 GeV.

BF - Elementární částice a fyzika vysokých energií

  • 2001
  • Jx

Region proximity in metric spaces and its use for approximate similarity search

can be successfully applied to the approximate similarity search. Search speedup and effectiveness are applied to evaluate proposed approximate searchSimilarity search structures for metric data ...

JC - Počítačový hardware a software

  • 2003
  • Jx

Searching Approximate Covers of Strings Using Finite Automata

the problem of searching all approximate covers is presented. It searches for all restricted approximate covers of a string with given limited approximation using HammingCover is a type of a regularity of...

IN - Informatika

  • 2009
  • D
  • 1 - 10 out of 40 474