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CASLIN - The Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic for Shared Cataloguing
The development of the in-house system for the Union Catalogue started in 1998. The catalogue offers information about the documents and it enables their ordering via e-mail, shared on-line cataloguing in the heterogeneous ...
AF - Dokumentace, knihovnictví, práce s informacemi
- 2000 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
CASLIN - The Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic
The development of the in-house system for the Union Catalogue started in 1998. The catalogue offers information about the documents and it enables their ordering via e-mail, shared on-line cataloguing in the heterogeneous ...
AF - Dokumentace, knihovnictví, práce s informacemi
- 2000 •
- A
Rok uplatnění
A - Audiovizuální tvorba
Catalogue of asphalt pavements - chapter 5.5 of TP Catalogue of rural road pavements
Into the new technical specification Catalogue of rural road pavements was created chapter 5.5 "Catalogue of asphalt pavements"...
JN - Stavebnictví
- 2006 •
- X
Rok uplatnění
X - Nezařazeno
Catalogue of rigid pavements - chapter 5.4 of TP Catalogue of rural road pavements
Into the new technical specification Catalogue of rural road pavements was created chapter 5.4 "Catalogue of rigid pavements"...
JN - Stavebnictví
- 2006 •
- X
Rok uplatnění
X - Nezařazeno
Catalogue of parking spaces constructions - chapter 5.7 of TP Catalogue of rural road pavements
Into the new technical specification Catalogue of rural road pavements was created chapter 5.7 "Catalogue of parking spaces constructions"......
JN - Stavebnictví
- 2006 •
- X
Rok uplatnění
X - Nezařazeno
Functionality of CASLIN - Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic as centralized source for information professionals and cataloguers
Short description of the modules of the CUBUS system and co-operation with the Uniform Information Gateway; the catalogue is accessible from
AF - Dokumentace, knihovnictví, práce s informacemi
- 2002 •
- A
Rok uplatnění
A - Audiovizuální tvorba
The catalogue of the woodcarvers, The catalogue of the woodcarvers' works
The woodcarvers (Czech, Polish and Slovak) and their works are recorded in the database "The Catalogue of the Woodcarvers and The Catalogue of the Woodcarvers' Works" File cards examples of the databases "The Catalogue of t...
AL - Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví
- 2007 •
- A
Rok uplatnění
A - Audiovizuální tvorba
Catalogue of pavements with sett pavings - chapter 5.6 of TP Catalogue of rural road pavements
Into the new technical specification Catalogue of rural road pavements was created chapter 5.6 "Catalogue of pavements with sett pavings"......
JN - Stavebnictví
- 2006 •
- X
Rok uplatnění
X - Nezařazeno
The catalogue of the woodcarvers and their works
The catalogue of the woodcarvers and their works in a digital vision introduces the significant authors and their works, found in the private as well as museum collections. The catalogue is coupled with the photographic documentatio...
AL - Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví
- 2009 •
- A
Rok uplatnění
A - Audiovizuální tvorba
Catalogue of constructions for roads for non-motorist use - chapter 5.8 of TP Catalogue of rural road pavements
Into the new technical specification Catalogue of rural road pavements was created chapter 5.8 "Catalogue of constructions for roads for non-motorist use"......
JN - Stavebnictví
- 2006 •
- X
Rok uplatnění
X - Nezařazeno
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