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431 (0,121s)


Computational model of collateral desulphurization process.

Computational model of collateral desulphurization process. .Model was developed for an analysis flow field , heat transfer and efficiency of desulphurization in a case of collateral desulphurization process....

JE - Nejaderná energetika, spotřeba a užití energie

  • 2009
  • R

Desulphurization in fluidized bed boilers

Current knowledge of desulphurization in fluidized bed boilers CR. Desulphurization in fluidized bed boilers.

CI - Průmyslová chemie a chemické inženýrství

  • 2009
  • D

Computational model of semi-dry desulphurization process.

Computational model of semi-dry desulphurization process. .Model was developed for an analysis flow field , heat transfer and efficiency of desulphurization in a case of semi-dry desulphurization process....

JE - Nejaderná energetika, spotřeba a užití energie

  • 2009
  • R

Desulphurization of Fluized-bed Boilers

Research of desulphurization of FGD.

DI - Znečištění a kontrola vzduchu

  • 2005
  • O

Desulphurization of Fluized-bed Boilers

Research of desulphurization of FGD.

DI - Znečištění a kontrola vzduchu

  • 2005
  • D

Desulphurization model and optimization of desulphurization process by adjusting flow patterns in a absorber

Desulphurization model and optimization of desulphurization process by adjusting flow patterns in a absorber...

JE - Nejaderná energetika, spotřeba a užití energie

  • 2007
  • Jx

Metal version in desulphurization systems: Stainless steels and alloy in flue gas desulphurization systems

The present paper describe coditions in flue gas desulphurization systems and corossion behavior of stainless materials in this environment.

JK - Koroze a povrchové úpravy materiálu

  • 2010
  • Jx

Sintering of calcites used for desulphurization in fluid layer reactors

Sintering of calcites used for desulphurization in fluid layer reactors...

JH - Keramika, žáruvzdorné materiály a skla

  • 2007
  • Jx

Biological-chemical methods in the desulphurization processess in the energy production technologies from fossil fuels

Non-traditional biological-chemical desulphurization processes were tested and are described. Experiments related to verification of appliaction possibilities in the processes of: 1. direct biological-chemical desulphurization of co...

EI - Biotechnologie a bionika

  • 2001
  • A

Direct Gases Desulphurization in the Combustion Chamber of Steam Boilers

Direct Gases Desulphurization in the Combustion Chamber of Steam Boilers...

JE - Nejaderná energetika, spotřeba a užití energie

  • 2008
  • Jx
  • 1 - 10 out of 431