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Evaluation of the new two-stage teacher training by students at Charles University in Prague - Faculty of Education
' opinionsabout the transition from the five-year one-stage study leading to Master's degree to the two-stage study leading to Bachelor's and Maste...
AM - Pedagogika a školství
- 2011 •
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Regarding studies at Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Faculty of management and economics, as one of the five faculties at Tomas Bata University in Zlín, was founded nine years ago. It offers completed university qualification in management and economics. This paper treat reco...
AE - Řízení, správa a administrativa
- 2009 •
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Contemporary situation of the education on the field Public Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava.
Contemporary situation of the education on the field Public Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava is presented. The five years master and doctoral degrees are close...
AH - Ekonomie
- 2002 •
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Contemporary situation of the education on the filed Public Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava
Contemporary situation of the education on the field Public Economics and Administration, faculty of Economics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava is presented. The five years master and doctoral degrees are close...
AH - Ekonomie
- 2002 •
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Transatlantic Dual Masters Degree Program in Transportation and Logistics Systems: The First Two Years of Implementation
Masters Degree Program in Transportation and Logistics Systems. Under this program, a graduate student spends one year of study at UTEP and a second year at CTU or UNIZA earns two master...
AE - Řízení, správa a administrativa
- 2013 •
- Jx •
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Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Výsledek na webu
Impact of the Bologna process two-cycle implementation on teacher education in the Czech Republic
As a consequence of the Bologna process, five-year master's teacher education programmes have been divided into three-year bachelor's and two-year master's studies-accreditation of a ...
AM - Pedagogika a školství
- 2013 •
- Jx
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Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Biomedical Engineering Education in the Czech Republic
compact 5-year undergraduate study leading to Master degree to 3+2 study (3 years Bachelor study, 2 years Master study); continuing with development o...
JD - Využití počítačů, robotika a její aplikace
- 2016 •
- D •
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Výsledek na webu
The Tradition and New Approach to the Mathematical Education of Officers in the Czech Army
both in Bachelor’s and follow-up Master’s degree programs as well as in Master’s degree programs. At the same time, the two-stage study has recently been gradually replaced by Master’s <...
Other social sciences
- 2020 •
- C •
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C - Kapitola v odborné knize
Výsledek na webu
ATLANTIS - Transatlantic Dual-Degree Master Program in Transportation and Logistic Systems (ATL)
year of study at UTEP and a second year at CTU or UNIZA and vice versa. Upon the completion of the two-year program, the student earns two master degrees. This project the Transatlantic Dual ...
JO - Pozemní dopravní systémy a zařízení
- 2012 •
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Concept of Foreign Language Instruction in Bachelor Degree in Physical Education and Sport
,'The change of the study structure at Charles University in Prague, F.P.E.S. from master study to the three-degree one (bachelor, master and postgraduate), is logically reflected in the concept o...
AI - Jazykověda
- 2006 •
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D - Stať ve sborníku
- 1 - 10 out of 498 388