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A Historian Karel Stloukal and Congresses of Czechoslovak Historians (1937-1947)
This study deals with the 1st and 2nd Congresses of Czechoslovak historians (years 1937, 1947) and with the role of historian Karel Stloukal by their arrangement....
AB - Dějiny
- 2013 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
A Discussion of Historians - a Challenge for Philosophers? A Look Back to the Congress of Historians.
Original scientific paper dealing with A Discussion of Historians - a Challenge for Philosophers? A Look Back to the Congress of Historians....
AA - Filosofie a náboženství
- 2000 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Dobenina or Debowina? About problems of interpretation of Kosmas local name Dobenina in Cczech and Polish historiography
The article deals with the analysis of opinions of Czech and Polish historians about localization of C Czech historians, Polish historians, Dobenina near Náchodosmas local name Dobenina. The Czech historians locate...
AB - Dějiny
- 2013 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
5th Congress of Art Historians
The 5th Congress of Czech art historians "Science and Art", coorganised by Czech Association of Art Historians, took place at Palacky University Olomouc in 16th-18th September 2015....
AL - Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví
- 2015 •
- M
Rok uplatnění
M - Uspořádání konference
Congress of Hungarian Historians 1953 - Beginning of Cooperation of the Eastern Bloc Historians
This chapter deals with the Congress of Hungarian historians in the year 1953; this congress was the first congress where the marxistic-leninistic historians from the Eastern Bloc discuss the mutual cooperations....
AB - Dějiny
- 2013 •
- C
Rok uplatnění
C - Kapitola v odborné knize
"Permanent Conference of Czech and Austrian historians to a common cultural heritage" and its predecessors
The chapter focuses on institutional cooperation between Czech and Austrian historians in the years 1957-2012, mainly on the basis of common Czechoslovak-Austrian, respectively Czech-Austrian commission of historians. 2009 was estab...
AB - Dějiny
- 2014 •
- C
Rok uplatnění
C - Kapitola v odborné knize
Lubor Hájek as art historian
Study assesses the significance of Lubor Hájek as art historian.
AL - Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví
- 2009 •
- C
Rok uplatnění
C - Kapitola v odborné knize
Władysław Semkowicz and the Czech Historians
The study is focused on the contacts of the Polish historian, professor of auxiliary historical sciences W. Semkowicz with Czech historians (K. Kadlec, J. Kapras, J. Bidlo)....
AB - Dějiny
- 2007 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Short outline of the relation between historians and time
The text deals with aspects of the relations between historians and time.
AB - Dějiny
- 2008 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Lexicon of Czech Historians 2010
On the occasion of the 10th Congress of Czech Historians (Ostrava, 14-16 September 2011) The Association of Historians of the Czech Republic proposed the compilation of a new Lexicon of Czech Historians to update the curren...
AB - Dějiny
- 2012 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
- 1 - 10 out of 3 806