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Loading a Load Effects Combinations.
Loads and load effect can be express by so called load durationcurves such representation of load effect allows for transparentanalysis of load effect combination (one, and multi-component)....
JM - Inženýrské stavitelství
- 2002 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
EpMPF 2.0 -Energypile - Load-transfer method
behaviour of a single large-diameter energy piles loaded both mechanically and thermally using the load-transfer method. Three types of load-transfer functions are available. Mechanical loading (without the effect...
Construction engineering, Municipal and structural engineering
- 2022 •
- R •
- Link
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R - Software
Výsledek na webu
Self loading wagons
The study describes use of self loading wagons and their inclusion in machinery lines. Described herein are tractor self loading wagons, their main segments and technological process of self loading wagon. In the publicatio...
GB - Zemědělské stroje a stavby
- 2014 •
- A •
- Link
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A - Audiovizuální tvorba
Výsledek na webu
General procedure for load distribution to the aircraft structure by means of the hydraulics ISTHydropuls loading system
General procedure for load distribution to the aircraft structure by means of the hydraulics ISTHydropuls loading system Design step by step of the loading process......
JU - Aeronautika, aerodynamika, letadla
- 2006 •
- X
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X - Nezařazeno
Probabilistic modeling of Loading, Combination of APT and MLE approach.
Loads acting on structures can be classified into three categories. 1-Dead loads, 2-Live loads, 3- extreme loads......
JL - Únava materiálu a lomová mechanika
- 2002 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Load Flow Solution With Estimation 1% and 3% Yearly Load Growth for the Period of Ten Years
load flow solution of HV network eight lines and seven buses is performed loading for enhancement of network. Load flow solution of the network is performed for normaloperation with estimation of load growth, it ca...
JE - Nejaderná energetika, spotřeba a užití energie
- 2010 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Influence of loading history and loading frequency on lifetime of P91
Influence of loading history and loading frequency on lifetime of P91...
JL - Únava materiálu a lomová mechanika
- 2006 •
- Jx
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Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Loads Models for Determination of Load Bearing Capacity of Road Arch Masonry Bridges
Loads models for Determination of load bearing capacity of road arch masonry bridges...
JM - Inženýrské stavitelství
- 2007 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Traffic Loads on Bridges
Traffic loads on bridges in Eurocode 1 EN 1991-2. Road traffic actions, rail traffic actions and actions on foot bridges. Load models. Fatique load models. Design situations....
JN - Stavebnictví
- 2005 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Loading of JA-400 aircraft landing gear - LSA
In a report has been calculated load of the aircraft landing gearJA-400 in accordance with ASTM F2245-14 standart There was a calculation of static loads, ground load, landing load, supplementary conditions for the...
JU - Aeronautika, aerodynamika, letadla
- 2016 •
- O
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O - Ostatní výsledky
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