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17 492 results (0,485s)


The use of mantle normalization and metal ratios in identification of PGEs sources in various metal-rich black shales.

Description of the use of mantle normalization and metal ratios for the identification of sources of PGEs...

DD - Geochemie

  • 2003
  • Jx

Can we use mantle normalization and metal ratios for identification of PGE sources in metal-rich black shales

Description of the use of metal ratios and mantle normalization for the identification of PGE sources in metal-rich black shales...

DD - Geochemie

  • 2003
  • D

The use of mantle normalization and metal ratios in the identification of the sources of platinum-group elements in various metal-rich black shales

It was previously shown that Pd/Ir versus Ni/Cu and Ni/Cu versus Cu/Ir ratios, as well as mantle normalized metal patterns, can be successfully used for the evaluation of the effects of partial melting, crystal fractionation and sul...

DB - Geologie a mineralogie

  • 2003
  • Jx

Cytokinin Differences in In Vitro Cultures and Inflorescences from Normal and Mantled Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

of the mantled phenotype. Endogenous cytokinin levels in the normal and mantled phenotypes with mantling. Endogenous cytokinins were identified and quantified in in vitro cultures and inflorescences from norma...

EF - Botanika

  • 2013
  • Jx
  • Link

Carbonated Inheritance in the Eastern Tibetan Lithospheric Mantle: Petrological Evidences and Geodynamic Implications

calculations and numerical modeling suggest that (1) such metasomatized mantle would have been significantly weaker than a normal mantle but buoyant enough to prevent its tomographic cross sections. We report mantle


  • 2020
  • Jimp
  • Link

Breakup of the last layer during lithospheric separation recorded by crust first-mantle second and mantle first-crust second breakup scenarios at East and West Indian margins.

from a crust first/mantle second breakup scenario of a continent experiencing two rift events. The West Indian margin is more magmatic. It results from a mantle normal faults accommodating thinning in the thinning and hype...

Earth and related environmental sciences

  • 2022
  • C
  • Link

Detection of Minimal Residual Disease in Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Establishment of Novel Eight-Color Flow Cytometry Approach

including mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Flow cytometry (FCM) ranks among the most patients with newlydiagnosed leukemic MCL and 20 normal controls were compared to one another to establish markers that can reliably distinguish no...

FD - Onkologie a hematologie

  • 2015
  • Jx
  • Link

PGE in Chromite Ores Hosted by Ophiolitic Upper Mantle: the Centralnoye I Deposit, Polar Urals, Russia

The Centralnoye I chromite deposit is located within the Ray-Iz ultramafic massif that belongs to the Ural ophiolite belt. Anomalous IPGE values and a strong negative slope of mantle-normalized PGE patterns indicate the predominance...

DD - Geochemie

  • 2009
  • D

Crust-mantle decoupling beneath Afar revealed by Rayleigh-wave tomography

mantle beneath the East African Rift System. Our results suggest that a layering, but in the central part of the rift, rift-normal anisotropy is found. At longer periods, sampling the lithospheric mantle, the anisotropic p...


  • 2022
  • Jimp
  • Link

(Ultra)mafic mantle xenoliths in Cenozoic alkaline volcanics of the Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic)

Xenoliths of (ultra)mafic mantle xenoliths occur in the Bohemian Massif mostly in lava flows, less commonly in vents. Their host rocks correspond mostly to nephelinite basanites to olivine nephelinites. Olivine-bearing xenoliths prevail over...

DB - Geologie a mineralogie

  • 2004
  • Jx
  • 1 - 10 out of 17 492