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OAI-PMH configuration in DSpace system
Presentation is on configuration of OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) in DSpace system. It introduces OAI-PMH including several examples of its use. Next, the configuration of the protocol in DSpace is des...
IN - Informatika
- 2009 •
- O •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
O - Ostatní výsledky
Výsledek na webu
Certified methodology for creation of metadata of cartographic documents
of metadata, data and data analysis results. The methodology also defines the crosswalk between metadata standards of two distinct fields - librarianship and geoinformationThe methodology proposes new procedures for large ...
AF - Dokumentace, knihovnictví, práce s informacemi
- 2015 •
- NmetC
Rok uplatnění
NmetC - Metodiky certifikované oprávněným orgánem
Metadata flow in Crisis Management: concept to implementation. Dissertation work.
This thesis is focused on metadata of spatial data and services with the emphasis on research of international trends, paneuropean unification and its impacts on metadata management in the Czech Republic. The core of theoretical par...
DE - Zemský magnetismus, geodesie, geografie
- 2008 •
- A
Rok uplatnění
A - Audiovizuální tvorba
Safety of Pedestrians on the Pedestrian Crossing
In this paper we deal with safety of pedestrians on the crosswalks with using video analysis. Describe used appropriate method of monitoring and evaluating behaviour of traffic participants with conflict situation occurred on the crosswa...
JO - Pozemní dopravní systémy a zařízení
- 2004 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Crosswalk – a time-ordered metric
glucose levels. Therefore, we designed a new metric, Crosswalk, which calculates. The Crosswalk metric qualified as the best candidate for glucose-dynamics modelling....
Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8)
- 2017 •
- D •
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Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Výsledek na webu
Metadata Management and Business Intelligence
Basic themes of document: metadata; business intelligence; metadata management; metadata repository...
AE - Řízení, správa a administrativa
- 2012 •
- Jx •
- Link
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Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Výsledek na webu
Bibliographic metadata in the Semantic Web
The study offers a current view on bibliographic metadata, integrated out the relative nature of metadata definition and their intersection with related entities. It presents the theoretical problems of defining the concept of m...
Information science (social aspects)
- 2019 •
- Jost •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
Jost - Ostatní články v recenzovaných periodicích
Výsledek na webu
System to alert pedestrians collision with tram
Technical solution concerns the design system to alert pedestrians collision with tram. System to alert pedestrians collision with tram finds application in unsupervised crosswalks, where it can timely warn the approaching tram and thereby i...
JN - Stavebnictví
- 2012 •
- Fuzit
Rok uplatnění
Fuzit - Užitný vzor
Cookbook for creating multilingual metadata records using the Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe Metadata Catalogue
Guidelines how to use the Metadata Catalogue Application and Metadata Keywords Codelist Application. Describes the steps to create, edit and harvest metadata....
IN - Informatika
- 2014 •
- A •
- Link
Rok uplatnění
A - Audiovizuální tvorba
Výsledek na webu
Metadata Registry Information System
Metadata Registry IS is a web application developed for the purpose of control and support of the access and manipulation with the metadata registry entries of the Ministry of Defense....
IN - Informatika
- 2005 •
- X
Rok uplatnění
X - Nezařazeno
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