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Statistical model for data analysis
Basic themes of document: statistical methods; quantitative methods; data analysis...
Statistics and probability
- 2023 •
- Vsouhrn
Rok uplatnění
Vsouhrn - Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
Multidimesional Statistical Methods
Basic themes of document: statistical analysis; multidimensional methods...
BB - Aplikovaná statistika, operační výzkum
- 2004 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
Multidimensional statistical methods
Basic themes of document: statistical analysis; multidimensional methods...
BB - Aplikovaná statistika, operační výzkum
- 2005 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
Sample and used mathematical and statistical methods in research professional motivation of the Czech Police.
Article explains the use of mathematical and statistical methods with regard to the quality of the research sample. It reflect the substance of the methods of statistical analysis and analysis of ...
AE - Řízení, správa a administrativa
- 2008 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
A statistical texture analysis method for material defects detection.
A statistical texture analysis method for material defects detection.
BB - Aplikovaná statistika, operační výzkum
- 2003 •
- A
Rok uplatnění
A - Audiovizuální tvorba
Multidimensional Statistical Methods [3]
Basic themes of document: methods of statistical analysis; multidimensional data; multidimensional scaling...
BB - Aplikovaná statistika, operační výzkum
- 2007 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
Modern software for use statistical methods
It was given an overview of modern software for interactive statistical data analysis.
IN - Informatika
- 2015 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Methods of multivariate statistical analysis
the multivariate statistical analysis metohods are usefully employed when studying large populations in many variables. The methods help to reduce the number of variables on the one hand, and to classify and typify the obje...
BB - Aplikovaná statistika, operační výzkum
- 1999 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Handbook of statistical methods: data analysis and metaanalysis
Main statistical metods are introduced and described. The second part of the book contains information about multivariate methods and meta-analytical methods....
BB - Aplikovaná statistika, operační výzkum
- 2009 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
Statistical Methods for the Evaluation of Machine Surface Quality
The monograph titled "Statistical Methods for the Evaluation of Machine Surface Quality" is primarily focused on the methodical description methods use single dimensional data analysis, hypothesi...
Materials engineering
- 2018 •
- B
Rok uplatnění
B - Odborná kniha
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