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The SER Spread Under the ECB Quantitative Easing
Main topics of the document: TED spread; SER spread; quantitative easing; ECB...
- 2019 •
- Jost •
- Link
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Jost - Ostatní články v recenzovaných periodicích
Výsledek na webu
Vegetable spread made from pumpkin
The technical solution solves the vegetable spreads made of pumpkin "Hokkaido". The description contents exploitation of vegetable spread. There are described different producing approaches of vegetable spread with content ...
GM - Potravinářství
- 2011 •
- Fuzit
Rok uplatnění
Fuzit - Užitný vzor
Workshop Spread of Excellence
Workshop of the responsibles for Spread of Excellence in the CINEFOGO Network to evaluate and discuss future strategies of Spread of Excellence....
AD - Politologie a politické vědy
- 2006 •
- W
Rok uplatnění
W - Uspořádání workshopu
Spread spectrum multirate user access using orthogonal Walsh codes
From rows of Walsh-Hadamard matrix it is easy to generate set of spreading codes to realize simple and bandwidth effective multi-user multirate spread spectrum access. Spreaded data can be transmitted via any system, which ...
JA - Elektronika a optoelektronika, elektrotechnika
- 2002 •
- D
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D - Stať ve sborníku
Low-fat Spreads
spreads; low-fat; energy; nutrition...
GM - Potravinářství
- 2003 •
- C
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C - Kapitola v odborné knize
On the rates and patterns of spread of alien plants in the Czech Republic, Britain and Ireland
Relatively few species have a distinct lag-phase before their exponential spreading.
EH - Ekologie – společenstva
- 2005 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Rheological and textural characteristics of oil-in-water emulsions.
Emulsions of the type oil-in-water, produced as bread spread, were analysed at the temperatures of 15; 20 and 25 C. The bread spreads (cheese spread, horse radish spread and garlic spread, ten samples each...
BK - Mechanika tekutin
- 2002 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Chaotic Spreading Sequences.
The paper is devoted to spreading sequence generators based on a discrete-time chaos. Estimates of mean values of the spreading sequences and mean square values of the auto-correlation sequence are presented and discussed for select...
JA - Elektronika a optoelektronika, elektrotechnika
- 2002 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
Stem decay by Stereum sanguinolentum and their spread by stem.
The paper discourse of steam decay by Stereum sanguinolentum and findings about their spread by stem in Czech Republic - decay attack, mean rate of vertical spreading of the decay per year, factors of the decay attack and spread...
GK - Lesnictví
- 2006 •
- Jx
Rok uplatnění
Jx - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Which Government Bond Spread Predicts the Future Economic Growth the Best?
The spread between long term and short term interest rates is a valuable between the spread and future GDP activity was proved already before. One question remains – which spread is the best for the future prediction? Is it...
AE - Řízení, správa a administrativa
- 2016 •
- D
Rok uplatnění
D - Stať ve sborníku
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