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322 results (0,943s)


A review on the potential of triploid tench for aquaculture

triploid tench are reviewed. Triploidy is best induced with cold shock; with triploids diploids, if farmed untill post sexual maturity. Triploids exhibit more abdominal fat and less polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 a...

GL - Rybářství

  • 2010
  • Jx

Verified technology of mass induction of triploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Czech commercial aquaculture

of triploid rainbow trout under the conditions of Czech trout hatcheries and trout farms with aim to maximize the yield of triploid fry for commercial aquaculture farms rate of induced triploids compare to diploid control ...

GL - Rybářství

  • 2012
  • Ztech

Frequent occurrence of triploid hybrids Festuca pratensis × F. apennina in the Swiss Alps

The occurrence of triploid hybrids in nature is scarce due to the so-called triploid block representing formation of nonviable progeny after mating diploid with tetraploid. Here we describe frequent presence of triploids or...

Plant sciences, botany

  • 2018
  • Jimp
  • Link

Difference in blood and water diffusion distance in gill lamellae of diploid and triploid tench Tinca tinca (L.)

Image analysis of sagittal sections of gill lamellae of diploid and triploid mm) to be significantly higher than that of their triploid siblings (1.46 mm; P < 0.01). Lamellae of diploids compared to triploids were found to ...

GL - Rybářství

  • 2006
  • Jx

Analysis of growth, weight and relevant indices of diploid and triploid population of tench (Tinca tinca, Linnaeus 1758).

This study determined biometric and weight parameters and relevant indices of diploid and triploid tench. Altogether 137 siblings of tench were studied. This study brought an evidence for faster somatic growth and bigger final weight of ...

GM - Potravinářství

  • 2003
  • Jx

Does triploidization produce functional sterility of triploid males of tench Tinca tinca (L.)?

to develop testis. The reason why sterility levels in triploid fishes differ among of triploid males of tench was studied. Analysis of variance showed an insignificant as on spermatozoa velocity. Experimental crosses between normal...

GL - Rybářství

  • 2010
  • Jx

Sympatric occurrence of triploid, aneuploid and tetraploid weatherfish Misgurnus fossilis (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae)

Ploidy analyses of 116 weatherfish Misgurnus fossilis individuals revealed the sympatric occurrence of triploid, intermediate aneuploid and tetraploid specimens in a 1:1:4 ratio. No diploids were detected and the sex ratio of triploids

GL - Rybářství

  • 2010
  • Jx

Mating interactions between coexisting diploid, triploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Hieracium echioides (Asteraceae)

, triploids (96%) in 2x x 4x crosses, triploids (90%) in 4x x 2x crosses, tetraploids (60%) in 3x x 3x crosses, pentaploids (56%) in 3x x 4x crosses, triploids (80%) in 4x x 3x karyologically analysed plants. Unreduced egg ...

EF - Botanika

  • 2006
  • Jx

Can obligate apomixis and more stable reproductive assurance explain the distributional successes of asexual triploids in Hieracium alpinum (Asteraceae)?

sexually, while triploids produced triploid progeny by obligate apomixis. Potential fruit set was much the same in diploids and triploids from the field apomictic triploids had considerably higher realized fruit s...

Plant sciences, botany

  • 2019
  • Jimp
  • Link

Tetraploid Festuca apennina is prone to produce triploid hybrid progeny when crossed with diploid Festuca pratensis

cytotypes of F. apennina, pairwise crosses were made with tetraploid and triploid F and produced triploid progeny in both cross directions. When F. apennina plants were of this cross were triploids, the remaining 75% were ...

Genetics and heredity (medical genetics to be 3)

  • 2018
  • C
  • Link
  • 1 - 10 out of 322