New materials and control for a next generation of compact combined solar and heat pump systems with boosted energetic and exergetic performance
Public support
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Call for proposals
Main participants
České vysoké učení technické v Praze / Fakulta strojní
Contest type
RP - Co-financing of EC programme
Contract ID
Alternative language
Project name in Czech
New materials and control for a next generation of compact combined solar and heat pump systems with boosted energetic and exergetic performance
Annotation in Czech
The objective of this project is to develop new innovative products and advanced test methods for a next generation of compact combined renewable energy systems based on solar thermal and heat pump technology for space heating and hot water preparation,using breakthroughs in ICT, new materials and technology. The goal is to achieve 25% energy savings compared to current state of the art systems, with still competitive prices on the market. Thus, the work proposed aims for a seasonal performance factorof the system (solar and heat pump) of e.g. 6 as compared to 4.5 for the current state of the art. This will be possible by using new materials, components and ICT in an integrative approach for new system concepts where the focus is on the overall system's cost and performance. A systematic approach will be used to evaluate new breakthroughs such as e.g. low-cost materials and selective paint for solar collectors that collect solar irradiation as well as ambient heat and PV/T collectors that produce heat as well as electricity. Exergetic optimization of heat pump circuits includes using de-superheating heat exchangers for DHW preparation as a by-product of the more efficient space heating operation, and variable speed controlled compressors for heat pumps that match the collector heat input to the evaporator and/or the demand. New storage concepts include phase change materials (PCM) on the cold side of the heat pump, low cost materials for storage tank construction, improved temperature stratification and charging/discharging control. On the control and ICT side, weather and user forecast based predictive control for intelligent storage charging by different heat sources will help to increase the overall system performance significantly. Online monitoring and fault detection within small controller units will be used to increase system reliability both for the insta llation phase and for the whole operational life of the installation.
Scientific branches
R&D category
VV - Exeperimental development
CEP classification - main branch
JE - Non-nuclear power engineering, energy consumption and utilization
CEP - secondary branch
JB - Sensors, detecting elements, measurement and regulation
CEP - another secondary branch
JR - Other machinery industry
OECD FORD - equivalent branches <br>(according to the <a href="">converter</a>)
20201 - Electrical and electronic engineering<br>20301 - Mechanical engineering<br>20704 - Energy and fuels
Completed project evaluation
Provider evaluation
U - Uspěl podle zadání (s publikovanými či patentovanými výsledky atd.)
Project results evaluation
Following the condition that the candidate of financial contribution was evaluated and afterwards selected by international provider in accordance with the rules of the program the Ministry of Education, Youth ans Sports does not realize the evaluation of project results. The project is evaluated only after its approval by an international provider.
Solution timeline
Realization period - beginning
Jan 2, 2012
Realization period - end
Dec 31, 2015
Project status
U - Finished project
Latest support payment
Mar 4, 2015
Data delivery to CEP
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data delivery code
Data delivery date
Oct 6, 2017
Total approved costs
1,858 thou. CZK
Public financial support
1,858 thou. CZK
Other public sources
0 thou. CZK
Non public and foreign sources
0 thou. CZK