Standard Tests and Requirements for Rate-of- Change of Frequency (ROCOF) Measurements in Smart Grids
Public support
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Call for proposals
Main participants
Český metrologický institut
Contest type
M2 - International cooperation
Contract ID
Alternative language
Project name in Czech
Standard Tests and Requirements for Rate-of- Change of Frequency (ROCOF) Measurements in Smart Grids
Annotation in Czech
A “use case” is defined as a particular situation in the grid where a utility would like to perform a ROCOF measurement. This maybe under normal operating conditions or during an exceptional event such as the sudden disconnection of a large load or generator. The “wish list” will define the desired specification of accuracy the measurement latency (or measurement update rate) and cost-effectiveness from an end-user point of view for the given use cases. In order to develop a ROCOF standard, this re-normative project will address the following scientific and technical objectives: 1. To evaluate the problem of ROCOF measurement in the context of actual use cases and the “wish list” from an end-user point of view. To develop a library of standard-test-waveforms representative of typical PQ events on electricity networks, including extreme events, in order to adequately test ROCOF algorithms and instrumentation containing these algorithms. 2. To review, develop and optimise algorithms to reliably and accurately measure ROCOF over the full range of network conditions, specifying any use cases where this is not achievable 3. To implement and test selected ROCOF algorithms utilising the standard waveform library via computer simulations as well as in instrument hardware that will be tested using precisely generated electrical waveforms in the laboratory. This will lead to compliance verification protocols for ROCOF instruments suitable for inclusion in a ROCOF standard (new or pre-existing).
Scientific branches
R&D category
AP - Applied research
CEP classification - main branch
JE - Non-nuclear power engineering, energy consumption and utilization
CEP - secondary branch
CEP - another secondary branch
OECD FORD - equivalent branches <br>(according to the <a href="">converter</a>)
20704 - Energy and fuels
Completed project evaluation
Provider evaluation
U - Uspěl podle zadání (s publikovanými či patentovanými výsledky atd.)
Project results evaluation
Following the condition that the candidate of financial contribution was evaluated and afterwards selected by international provider in accordance with the rules of the program the Ministry of Education, Youth ans Sports does not realize the evaluation of project results. The project is evaluated only after its approval by an international provider.
Solution timeline
Realization period - beginning
Jun 1, 2016
Realization period - end
May 31, 2019
Project status
U - Finished project
Latest support payment
Feb 12, 2019
Data delivery to CEP
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data delivery code
Data delivery date
Jun 18, 2020
Total approved costs
1,910 thou. CZK
Public financial support
1,002 thou. CZK
Other public sources
0 thou. CZK
Non public and foreign sources
908 thou. CZK