Metrology for real-world domestic water metering
Public support
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Call for proposals
Main participants
Český metrologický institut
Contest type
M2 - International cooperation
Contract ID
Alternative language
Project name in Czech
Metrology for real-world domestic water metering
Annotation in Czech
1. To develop test rigs and provide protocols beyond the current methods of OIML R49 for the calibration/verification of domestic water meters under dynamic load changes; this includes the determination of typical consumption profiles and based on this the derivation of one or more pre-normative reference profiles. 2. To assess the performance of domestic water meters under realistic operation conditions such as typical water qualities (hardness, pH and particles such as rust, sediments) as well as age and wear in general by experiments and where appropriate modelling including a determination of the related uncertainties. Scenarios for more real-world test conditions will be defined as basis for future standardised tests. 3. To foster smart metering by determining the requirements for a real-time monitoring of water consumption, the development and adaption of intelligent algorithms for the detection of leakage and by setting up a feasibility study about domestic water meters suitable for the detection of small flow rates (i.e. below 3 L/h). 4. To develop a virtual flow meter to simulate effects of the operation conditions on the performance of water meters, to estimate the uncertainty and to predict effects due to ageing or wear of water meters based on data of used devices. 5. To engage with water meter manufacturers and water suppliers to facilitate the take up of the technology and measurement infrastructure developed in the project by end users (e.g. water meter manufacturers and water suppliers), thereby enhancing the competitiveness of EU industry and to provide input into relevant organisations
Scientific branches
R&D category
VV - Exeperimental development
OECD FORD - main branch
20301 - Mechanical engineering
OECD FORD - secondary branch
OECD FORD - another secondary branch
CEP - equivalent branches <br>(according to the <a href="">converter</a>)
JR - Other machinery industry<br>JT - Propulsion, engines and fuels
Completed project evaluation
Provider evaluation
U - Uspěl podle zadání (s publikovanými či patentovanými výsledky atd.)
Project results evaluation
Following the condition that the candidate of financial contribution was evaluated and afterwards selected by international provider in accordance with the rules of the program the MEYS does not realize the evaluation of project results. The project is evaluated only after its approval by an international provider.
Solution timeline
Realization period - beginning
Jun 1, 2018
Realization period - end
May 31, 2021
Project status
U - Finished project
Latest support payment
Feb 8, 2021
Data delivery to CEP
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data delivery code
Data delivery date
Jun 27, 2022
Total approved costs
2,153 thou. CZK
Public financial support
1,129 thou. CZK
Other public sources
0 thou. CZK
Non public and foreign sources
1,024 thou. CZK