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2 176 (0,288s)


Ultrastructural localisation of intracellular calcium deposits during the growth and maturation mammalian oocytes (GA524/98/1327)

Calcium represents one of the most important intracellular messengers other factors, calcium signalling depends on the status of its intracellular deposits. The object of this project is to detect changes in in...

GI - Šlechtění a plemenářství hospodářských zvířat

  • 1998 - 2000
  • 3 203 tis. Kč
  • 3 200 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

Regulation of intracellular pH, calcium and potassium homeostases in budding yeast (LH14297)

The project aims to contribute to the understanding of the role of calcium and potassium homeostases and transport in the regulation of intracellular pH in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.......

EB - Genetika a molekulární biologie

  • 2014 - 2016
  • 1 892 tis. Kč
  • 1 892 tis. Kč
  • MŠMT

Calcium signaling in neonatal rat gonadotrophs (IAA5011105)

Intracellular calcium plays an important role in regulation of many cellular of intracellular calcium signaling in neonatal rat gonadotorophs using combined and extracellular Ca2+ dependence of refilling of int...

EB - Genetika a molekulární biologie

  • 2001 - 2003
  • 2 917 tis. Kč
  • 848 tis. Kč
  • AV ČR

Analysis of intracellular Ca2+ signals in tumor cells pathology of leukemias and lymphomas, in the tumor growth regulation and induction of apoptosis in response to therapy of monoclonal antibodies (NS9670)

Calcium ions belong to the complex szstem of second messengers. Many important intracellular functions are controlled or influenced by changes of intracellular Ca2 is not clear what role calcium ions play in prolif...

FD - Onkologie a hematologie

  • 2008 - 2011
  • 2 377 tis. Kč
  • 2 350 tis. Kč
  • MZ

Intracellular mechanisms of entrainment of circadian rhythm of vasopressin release from cultured suprachiasmatic neurons by VIP and melatonin. (ME 158)

. Paralelly their effects on intracellular second messengers will be measured: cAMP, cGMP and intracellular calcium. Most of the vasopressin measurements will be done in Japanese laboratory, while cAMP, cGMP and calcium...

FH - Neurologie, neurochirurgie, neurovědy

  • 1998 - 2000
  • 1 124 tis. Kč
  • 679 tis. Kč
  • MŠMT

Relationship between biological activities of sesquiterpene lactones to their subcellular localization (GA14-04329S)

this question. For this purpose, intracellular distribution of fluorescent trilobolide conjugates developed by our team will be tracked and related to changes in intracellular calcium levels and pharmacological properties....

FR - Farmakologie a lékárnická chemie

  • 2014 - 2016
  • 5 944 tis. Kč
  • 5 944 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

Membrane anf intracellular changes induced by antidepressants (NR8408)

Contribution of our project consists in exploitation of modern methods to discover new pieces of knowledge in the field of molecular mechanisms of action of antidepressants.......

FL - Psychiatrie, sexuologie

  • 2005 - 2007
  • 1 217 tis. Kč
  • 839 tis. Kč
  • MZ

Calcium binding proteins - biological markers of colon mucosa malignant (GA310/98/P238)

with a large number of calcium-binding proteins. One of their most important functions is to act in intracellular signal transduction. Ca2+ can trigger and regulate proteins.The S100 calcium-binding proteins recently becam...

EC - Imunologie

  • 1998 - 1999
  • 270 tis. Kč
  • 270 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

The physiology of vasopressin and oxytocin signalling in neuron-glia interactions, nociception, pregnancy and lactation. (GAP303/11/0192)

containing neurons and glial cells will be analysed using confocal and calcium imaging...

ED - Fyziologie

  • 2011 - 2013
  • 7 038 tis. Kč
  • 7 038 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR

The physiology of calcium signalling in human embryonic stem cell-derived neuronal precursors (GAP304/11/2373)

, purinoreceptors and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels during differentiation using Ca2+ imaging...

ED - Fyziologie

  • 2011 - 2013
  • 6 561 tis. Kč
  • 6 561 tis. Kč
  • GA ČR
  • 1 - 10 out of 2 176