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Diptera associated with fungi in the Czech and Slovak Republics

Result description

Data on 188 species of Diptera are summarized, belonging to 26 families reared from 189 species of macrofungi and myxomycetes collected in the Czech and Slovak Republics in 1998?2006. Most species belong to the family Mycetophilidae (84 species), followed by Phoridae (16 spp.), Drosophilidae (12 spp.), Cecidomyiidae (11 spp.), Bolitophilidae (9 spp.), Muscidae (8 spp.) and Platypezidae (8 spp.). For each species a list of fungus hosts is given, including literature records. A systematic list of host fungi with associated insect species is provided. A new species of Phoridae, Megaselia sevciki Disney sp. n., reared from the fungus Bovista pusilla, is described. First record of host fungus is given for Discobola parvispinula (Alexander, 1947), Mycetophila morosa Winnertz, 1863 and Trichonta icenica Edwards, 1925. Two species of Mycetophilidae are for the first time recorded from CR and two species from Slovakia. Comments are made on larval parasitoids reared from Mycetophilidae and Phori


DipterainsectsfungibiologyecologytaxonomyCzech RepublicSlovakia

The result's identifiers

Alternative languages

  • Result language


  • Original language name

    Diptera associated with fungi in the Czech and Slovak Republics

  • Original language description

    Data on 188 species of Diptera are summarized, belonging to 26 families reared from 189 species of macrofungi and myxomycetes collected in the Czech and Slovak Republics in 1998?2006. Most species belong to the family Mycetophilidae (84 species), followed by Phoridae (16 spp.), Drosophilidae (12 spp.), Cecidomyiidae (11 spp.), Bolitophilidae (9 spp.), Muscidae (8 spp.) and Platypezidae (8 spp.). For each species a list of fungus hosts is given, including literature records. A systematic list of host fungi with associated insect species is provided. A new species of Phoridae, Megaselia sevciki Disney sp. n., reared from the fungus Bovista pusilla, is described. First record of host fungus is given for Discobola parvispinula (Alexander, 1947), Mycetophila morosa Winnertz, 1863 and Trichonta icenica Edwards, 1925. Two species of Mycetophilidae are for the first time recorded from CR and two species from Slovakia. Comments are made on larval parasitoids reared from Mycetophilidae and Phori

  • Czech name

    Dvoukřídlí vázaní na houby v České a Slovenské republice

  • Czech description

    Shrnuty jsou údaje o 188 druzích řádu Diptera z 26 čeledí, které byly vychovány ze 189 druhů vyšších hub (Fungi) a hlenek (Myxomycetes) nalezených v ČR a SR v letech 1998-2006. Nejvíce druhů patří do čeledi Mycetophilidae (84 druhů), následují čeledi Phoridae (16 dr.), Drosophilidae (12 dr.), Cecidomyiidae (11 dr.), Bolitophilidae (9 dr.), Muscidae (8 dr.) a Platypezidae (8 dr.). Ke každému druhu je podán přehled dosud známých hostitelských hub v ČR a SR, včetně literárních údajů. Připojen je systematický přehled hostitelských hub a příslušných druhů hmyzu. Je popsán nový druh čeledi Phoridae, Megaselia sevciki Disney sp. n., vychovaný z prášivky Bovista pusilla. Poprvé je zaznamenána hostitelská houba pro druhy Discobola parvispinula (Alexander, 1947), Mycetophila morosa Winnertz, 1863 a Trichonta icenica Edwards, 1925. Dva druhy čeledi Mycetophilidae jsou poprvé zaznamenány z České republiky a 2 druhy ze Slovenska. Uveden je také přehled parazitoidů larev čeledí Mycetophilidae a Phor


  • Type

    B - Specialist book

  • CEP classification

    EG - Zoology

  • OECD FORD branch

Result continuities


  • Publication year


  • Confidentiality

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

Data specific for result type

  • ISBN


  • Number of pages


  • Publisher name

    Slezské zemské muzeum

  • Place of publication


  • UT code for WoS book