Synergy of training and research
The result's identifiers
Result code in IS VaVaI
<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/00216224:14230/12:00057791 -</a>
Result on the web
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
Alternative languages
Result language
Original language name
Synergy of training and research
Original language description
The paper introduces the newly founded Training in Psychotherapy Integration (Brno, Czech Republic) and a qualitative longitudinal research project conducted on this training. The goal of the research project is to explore the process of a personal integrative perspective development. The main goal of this paper is to explore the symbiotic coexistence and deep interconnectedness of the training and the research. Reflections will be provided on the process of research preparation and development, highlighting (1) the collaboration between the researchers and the trainers during the project development (e.g, the effort made to employ data collection methods that can be used for both the training and research purposes at the same time), (2) expected and actual influence of the research on the training (research as feedback for trainers, influence of research on trainee group dynamics etc.
Czech name
Czech description
O - Miscellaneous
CEP classification
AN - Psychology
OECD FORD branch
Result continuities
<a href="/en/project/GAP407%2F11%2F0141" target="_blank" >GAP407/11/0141: Formation of an Integrative Perspective in Psychotherapy: Analysis of the Training in Psychotherapy Integration</a><br>
P - Projekt vyzkumu a vyvoje financovany z verejnych zdroju (s odkazem do CEP)
Publication year
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů