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Effect of chitosan on growth of human colonic bacteria

Result description

The aim of the study was to investigate in vitro the effect of chitosan on growth of bacterial strains isolated from the human colon. Much of the interest in the antimicrobial activity of chitosan and chitooligosaccharides was focused on pathogens, onlya few reports dealing bacterial species inhabiting the human gastrointestinal tract have been presented. Growth of six bacterial strains representing dominant members of the human colonic microflora was measured in the presence of 0.025, 0.05 and 0.5% chitosan. The effects of chitosan were variable and dependent on bacterial species. The most susceptible to chitosan were bacteria belonging to Bacteroides and Clostridium (91 ? 97% growth inhibition). On the other hand, Roseburia sp., Eubacterium sp. andFaecalibacterium sp. were more resistant to chitosan (63 ? 83% inhibition of growth). The data presented suggest that chitosan represents one of the means for influencing the bacterial population in the human colon.



The result's identifiers

Alternative languages

  • Result language


  • Original language name

    Effect of chitosan on growth of human colonic bacteria

  • Original language description

    The aim of the study was to investigate in vitro the effect of chitosan on growth of bacterial strains isolated from the human colon. Much of the interest in the antimicrobial activity of chitosan and chitooligosaccharides was focused on pathogens, onlya few reports dealing bacterial species inhabiting the human gastrointestinal tract have been presented. Growth of six bacterial strains representing dominant members of the human colonic microflora was measured in the presence of 0.025, 0.05 and 0.5% chitosan. The effects of chitosan were variable and dependent on bacterial species. The most susceptible to chitosan were bacteria belonging to Bacteroides and Clostridium (91 ? 97% growth inhibition). On the other hand, Roseburia sp., Eubacterium sp. andFaecalibacterium sp. were more resistant to chitosan (63 ? 83% inhibition of growth). The data presented suggest that chitosan represents one of the means for influencing the bacterial population in the human colon.

  • Czech name

    Účinek chitosanu na růst bakterií tračníku člověka

  • Czech description

    Cílem práce bylo zjistit in vitro účinek chitosanu na růst bakterií izolovaných z tračníku člověka. Dosavadní studium antimikrobiální activity chitosanu a chitosanooligosacharidů bylo zaměřeno na patogenní bakterie, pouze několik prací se zabývalo běžnými bakteriemi osídlujícími tračník. U šesti druhů bakterií představujících hlavní zástupce mikroflóry tračníku člověka byl v této studii měřen růst v přítomnosti 0,025, 0,05 a 0,5% chitosanu. Antimikrobiální chitosanu se lišil u jednotlivých druhů. Nejcitlivějšími byly bakterie náležející k rodu Bacteroides a Clostridium (91 ? 97 % inhibice růstu). Naopak Roseburia sp., Eubacterium sp. a Faecalibacterium sp. byly k chitosanu rezistentnější (63 ? 83 % inhibice). Z těchto údajů vyplývá, že chitosan lze využít jako prostředek pro ovlivnění bakteriální populace tračníku člověka.


  • Type

    Jx - Unclassified - Peer-reviewed scientific article (Jimp, Jsc and Jost)

  • CEP classification

    EE - Microbiology, virology

  • OECD FORD branch

Result continuities


  • Publication year


  • Confidentiality

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

Data specific for result type

  • Name of the periodical

    Folia Microbiologica

  • ISSN


  • e-ISSN

  • Volume of the periodical


  • Issue of the periodical within the volume


  • Country of publishing house


  • Number of pages


  • Pages from-to


  • UT code for WoS article

  • EID of the result in the Scopus database

Basic information

Result type

Jx - Unclassified - Peer-reviewed scientific article (Jimp, Jsc and Jost)



EE - Microbiology, virology

Year of implementation