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Contactless Head Posture Measurement

Result description

In this paper we describe new advanced contactless method for the precise posture head measurement using digital cameras. Objective was to develop a technique for measurement of the native position of the head in 3D space. The technique was supposed to determine differences between anatomical coordinate system and physical coordinate system. Similar technique has not been developed up to this time such that it could be widely and easily used in neurological clinical practice although it could have an important use in this field because there are a lot of neurological disorders that affect postural alignment position of head.


contactless measurementhead posture

The result's identifiers

Alternative languages

  • Result language


  • Original language name

    Contactless Head Posture Measurement

  • Original language description

    In this paper we describe new advanced contactless method for the precise posture head measurement using digital cameras. Objective was to develop a technique for measurement of the native position of the head in 3D space. The technique was supposed to determine differences between anatomical coordinate system and physical coordinate system. Similar technique has not been developed up to this time such that it could be widely and easily used in neurological clinical practice although it could have an important use in this field because there are a lot of neurological disorders that affect postural alignment position of head.

  • Czech name

    Bezkontaktní měření polohy hlavy

  • Czech description

    V článku se popisuje nová pokročilá metoda bezkontaktního měření polohy hlavy pomocí digitálních fotoaparátů. Cílem bylo vyvinout techniku pro měření přirozené polohy hlavy v prostoru. Dále je uvedena metoda používající dvě digitální videokamery. Na závěr je navržena metoda nepoužívající značky a je nastíněn budoucí vývoj této metody.


  • Type

    D - Article in proceedings

  • CEP classification

    IN - Informatics

  • OECD FORD branch

Result continuities

  • Project

  • Continuities

    Z - Vyzkumny zamer (s odkazem do CEZ)


  • Publication year


  • Confidentiality

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

Data specific for result type

  • Article name in the collection

    IFMBE Proceedings

  • ISBN


  • ISSN


  • e-ISSN

  • Number of pages


  • Pages from-to

  • Publisher name


  • Place of publication


  • Event location


  • Event date

    Nov 23, 2008

  • Type of event by nationality

    WRD - Celosvětová akce

  • UT code for WoS article

Result type

D - Article in proceedings



IN - Informatics

Year of implementation