Constraint Lepage one forms in higher order mechanics with nonholonomic constraints on the dynamical space
Result description
A geometric setting for higher order mechanical systems subjected to nonholonomic constraints of an arbitrary order has been proposed in Ref. 1. In this paper we study the simplest case, when nonholonomic constraints are of order s ? 1, s ? 2, i.e. are given on the dynamical space Js?1Y, where the unconstrained dynamics proceeds. Analogously as in the case of first order constraints we introduce a constraint Lepage form, which provides the invariant decomposition of the Lie derivative into a ?constraint? Euler-Lagrange term and a boundary term. Coordinate expression of the constraint Lepage one form associated with a nonholonomic constraint structure of order s ? 1 is presented, corresponding constraint Euler-Lagrange equations for ?constraint extremals? are obtained.
Lagrangian system of order s ? 1system of k nonholonomic constraints of order s ? 1canonical distributionconstraint idealnonholonomic constraint structureconstraint Lepage one formconstraint first variational formula
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Original language name
Constraint Lepage one forms in higher order mechanics with nonholonomic constraints on the dynamical space
Original language description
A geometric setting for higher order mechanical systems subjected to nonholonomic constraints of an arbitrary order has been proposed in Ref. 1. In this paper we study the simplest case, when nonholonomic constraints are of order s ? 1, s ? 2, i.e. are given on the dynamical space Js?1Y, where the unconstrained dynamics proceeds. Analogously as in the case of first order constraints we introduce a constraint Lepage form, which provides the invariant decomposition of the Lie derivative into a ?constraint? Euler-Lagrange term and a boundary term. Coordinate expression of the constraint Lepage one form associated with a nonholonomic constraint structure of order s ? 1 is presented, corresponding constraint Euler-Lagrange equations for ?constraint extremals? are obtained.
Czech name
Vázáné Lepageovy 1-formy v mechanice vyššího řádu s neholonomními vazbami na dynamickém prostoru
Czech description
Geometrický teoretický rámec pro mechanické systémy vyššího řádu podrobené neholonomním vazbám libovolného řádu byl navržen v Ref.1. V tomto článku studujeme nejjednodušší případ, kdy neholonomní vazby jsou řádu s ? 1, s ? 2, tzn. jsou definovány na dynamickém prostoru Js?1Y, kde se nevázaná dynamika odehrává. Analogicky jako v případě vazeb prvního řádu zavádíme vázanou Lepageovu 1-formu, která umožňuje invariantní rozklad Lieovy derivace na ?vázaný? Euler-Lagrange člen a okrajový člen. Souřadnicové vyjádření vázané Lepageovy 1-formy asociované s neholonomní vazebnou strukturou řádu s ? 1 je prezentováno a odpovídající vázané Euler-Lagrangeovy rovnice pro ?vázané extremály? jsou nalezeny.
D - Article in proceedings
CEP classification
BA - General mathematics
OECD FORD branch
Result continuities
S - Specificky vyzkum na vysokych skolach
Publication year
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Data specific for result type
Article name in the collection
Differential Geometry and its Applications: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Differential Geometry and its Applications 2007: Olomouc, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2007
Number of pages
Pages from-to
Publisher name
World Scientific
Place of publication
Event location
Event date
Aug 27, 2007
Type of event by nationality
WRD - Celosvětová akce
UT code for WoS article
Basic information
Result type
D - Article in proceedings
BA - General mathematics
Year of implementation