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Eruptive and magmatic evolution of North Chamo Volcanic Field (southern Ethiopia)

Identifikátory výsledku

  • Kód výsledku v IS VaVaI

    <a href="https://www.isvavai.cz/riv?ss=detail&h=RIV%2F00025798%3A_____%2F23%3A10168618" target="_blank" >RIV/00025798:_____/23:10168618 - isvavai.cz</a>

  • Nalezeny alternativní kódy


  • Výsledek na webu

    <a href="http://www.jgeosci.org/content/jgeosci.365_Rapprich.pdf" target="_blank" >http://www.jgeosci.org/content/jgeosci.365_Rapprich.pdf</a>

  • DOI - Digital Object Identifier

    <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.3190/jgeosci.365" target="_blank" >10.3190/jgeosci.365</a>

Alternativní jazyky

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  • Název v původním jazyce

    Eruptive and magmatic evolution of North Chamo Volcanic Field (southern Ethiopia)

  • Popis výsledku v původním jazyce

    A group of pyroclastic cones is dispersed in the North Chamo Volcanic Field, i.e. in the northern surroundings of the Chamo Lake and over neighbouring part of the Nech Sar plains (southern termination of the Main Ethiopian Rift). The activity of scattered cinder cones was partly coeval with that of Tosa Sucha Volcano (Calabrian), but continued also afterTosa Sucha&apos;s extinction until Middle Pleistocene (c. 0.5 Ma). Whereas scoria cones on the Nech Sar plains displayed a rather simple Strombolian eruptive style, the cones located within the northern part of Chamo Lake were characterized by more complex evolution. Ganjulle scoria cone, with a uniform olivine basalt composition, started with a Surtseyan-style eruption, which turned into Strombolian as the volcano grew above the water level. An even more complex history was documented for the Ganta cone. Compositional zoning of pyroclastic rocks is explained by zoned-chamber exhaustion. The transition from magmatic to phreatomagmatic style of the eruption was then most likely linked to syn-eruptive subsidence of the area on the Chamo Lake banks. Subsequent transition back to Strombolian style reflected the growth of the cone above water level.The Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, together with major-element-based thermodynamic modelling, demonstrate that magmas parental to the North Chamo alkaline volcanic rocks (alkali basalt, through trachybasalt and trachyandesite to trachyte) evolved initially by closed-system fractionation of olivine, later joined by clinopyroxene, spinel and calcic plagioclase. The subsequent stage was characterized by a substantial (c. 25percent by mass) assimilation of country-rock felsic igneous material, perhaps corresponding to the Paleogene ignimbrites.

  • Název v anglickém jazyce

    Eruptive and magmatic evolution of North Chamo Volcanic Field (southern Ethiopia)

  • Popis výsledku anglicky

    A group of pyroclastic cones is dispersed in the North Chamo Volcanic Field, i.e. in the northern surroundings of the Chamo Lake and over neighbouring part of the Nech Sar plains (southern termination of the Main Ethiopian Rift). The activity of scattered cinder cones was partly coeval with that of Tosa Sucha Volcano (Calabrian), but continued also afterTosa Sucha&apos;s extinction until Middle Pleistocene (c. 0.5 Ma). Whereas scoria cones on the Nech Sar plains displayed a rather simple Strombolian eruptive style, the cones located within the northern part of Chamo Lake were characterized by more complex evolution. Ganjulle scoria cone, with a uniform olivine basalt composition, started with a Surtseyan-style eruption, which turned into Strombolian as the volcano grew above the water level. An even more complex history was documented for the Ganta cone. Compositional zoning of pyroclastic rocks is explained by zoned-chamber exhaustion. The transition from magmatic to phreatomagmatic style of the eruption was then most likely linked to syn-eruptive subsidence of the area on the Chamo Lake banks. Subsequent transition back to Strombolian style reflected the growth of the cone above water level.The Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, together with major-element-based thermodynamic modelling, demonstrate that magmas parental to the North Chamo alkaline volcanic rocks (alkali basalt, through trachybasalt and trachyandesite to trachyte) evolved initially by closed-system fractionation of olivine, later joined by clinopyroxene, spinel and calcic plagioclase. The subsequent stage was characterized by a substantial (c. 25percent by mass) assimilation of country-rock felsic igneous material, perhaps corresponding to the Paleogene ignimbrites.


  • Druh

    J<sub>imp</sub> - Článek v periodiku v databázi Web of Science

  • CEP obor

  • OECD FORD obor

    10505 - Geology

Návaznosti výsledku

  • Projekt

    Výsledek vznikl pri realizaci vícero projektů. Více informací v záložce Projekty.

  • Návaznosti

    P - Projekt vyzkumu a vyvoje financovany z verejnych zdroju (s odkazem do CEP)


  • Rok uplatnění


  • Kód důvěrnosti údajů

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

Údaje specifické pro druh výsledku

  • Název periodika

    Journal of Geosciences

  • ISSN


  • e-ISSN

  • Svazek periodika


  • Číslo periodika v rámci svazku


  • Stát vydavatele periodika

    CZ - Česká republika

  • Počet stran výsledku


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  • Kód UT WoS článku


  • EID výsledku v databázi Scopus
