The Nationality of the Greek Minority in Czechoslovakia
Identifikátory výsledku
Kód výsledku v IS VaVaI
<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/00216224:14210/13:00071234 -</a>
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<a href="" target="_blank" ></a>
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
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Název v původním jazyce
The Nationality of the Greek Minority in Czechoslovakia
Popis výsledku v původním jazyce
This book is devoted to questions and research problems generated by the issue of civil society. It contains contributions from mostly young scientists, who develop various approaches to the position and functionality of civil society, examining different examples from both the past and the present, based on theoretical approaches to this concept. As a result, the volume adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, which allows the identification of various levels of the concept of the civil society, and insight into to its multiformity, in terms of its reality, and its interpretation and depiction as a means of political and social self-determination. The book provides fluid interpretation patterns, and avoids working with the term 'civil society' in anyfixed, definitional mode.
Název v anglickém jazyce
The Nationality of the Greek Minority in Czechoslovakia
Popis výsledku anglicky
This book is devoted to questions and research problems generated by the issue of civil society. It contains contributions from mostly young scientists, who develop various approaches to the position and functionality of civil society, examining different examples from both the past and the present, based on theoretical approaches to this concept. As a result, the volume adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, which allows the identification of various levels of the concept of the civil society, and insight into to its multiformity, in terms of its reality, and its interpretation and depiction as a means of political and social self-determination. The book provides fluid interpretation patterns, and avoids working with the term 'civil society' in anyfixed, definitional mode.
D - Stať ve sborníku
CEP obor
AB - Dějiny
Návaznosti výsledku
S - Specificky vyzkum na vysokych skolach
Rok uplatnění
Kód důvěrnosti údajů
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Údaje specifické pro druh výsledku
Název statě ve sborníku
Questions of Civil Society: Category-Position-Functionality
Počet stran výsledku
Strana od-do
Název nakladatele
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Místo vydání
Newcastle upon Tyne
Místo konání akce
Newcastle upon Tyne
Datum konání akce
1. 1. 2013
Typ akce podle státní příslušnosti
CST - Celostátní akce
Kód UT WoS článku