The Distribution of Power in East Asia in the Post-Crimea World: The Un-Checked China's Rise?
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<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/00216224:14230/14:00082947 -</a>
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The Distribution of Power in East Asia in the Post-Crimea World: The Un-Checked China's Rise?
Popis výsledku v původním jazyce
In the past, it was assessed that the global fi nancial crisis of 2007-2008 has contributed to a shift in power distribution in the region with China accelerating its catching up with the US and overtaking Japan as the world?s second largest economy in 2010 (Bloomberg 2010). The question now should be what impact the Ukrainian crisis poses in this region. While it has been repeatedly noted that the real winner of the tensions in Eastern Europe is China, this text attempts to go further and it wants to discuss what exactly it is that is supposed to make China more powerful in the region and the world.
Název v anglickém jazyce
The Distribution of Power in East Asia in the Post-Crimea World: The Un-Checked China's Rise?
Popis výsledku anglicky
In the past, it was assessed that the global fi nancial crisis of 2007-2008 has contributed to a shift in power distribution in the region with China accelerating its catching up with the US and overtaking Japan as the world?s second largest economy in 2010 (Bloomberg 2010). The question now should be what impact the Ukrainian crisis poses in this region. While it has been repeatedly noted that the real winner of the tensions in Eastern Europe is China, this text attempts to go further and it wants to discuss what exactly it is that is supposed to make China more powerful in the region and the world.
C - Kapitola v odborné knize
CEP obor
AD - Politologie a politické vědy
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S - Specificky vyzkum na vysokych skolach
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Kód důvěrnosti údajů
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
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Název knihy nebo sborníku
Panorama of Global Security Environment 2014
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Kód UT WoS kapitoly