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Molecular Mechanism of Diaminomaleonitrile to Diaminofumaronitrile Photoisomerization: An Intermediate Step in the Prebiotic Formation of Purine Nucleobases

Identifikátory výsledku

  • Kód výsledku v IS VaVaI

    <a href="https://www.isvavai.cz/riv?ss=detail&h=RIV%2F00216224%3A14740%2F14%3A00075641" target="_blank" >RIV/00216224:14740/14:00075641 - isvavai.cz</a>

  • Nalezeny alternativní kódy


  • Výsledek na webu

    <a href="http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/chem.201304224/pdf" target="_blank" >http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/chem.201304224/pdf</a>

  • DOI - Digital Object Identifier

    <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chem.201304224" target="_blank" >10.1002/chem.201304224</a>

Alternativní jazyky

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  • Název v původním jazyce

    Molecular Mechanism of Diaminomaleonitrile to Diaminofumaronitrile Photoisomerization: An Intermediate Step in the Prebiotic Formation of Purine Nucleobases

  • Popis výsledku v původním jazyce

    The photoinduced isomerization of diaminomaleonitrile (DAMN) to diaminofumaronitrile (DAFN) was suggested to play a key role in the prebiotically plausible formation of purine nucleobases and nucleotides. In this work we analyze two competitive photoisomerization mechanisms on the basis of state-of-the-art quantum-chemical calculations. Even though it was suggested that this process might occur on the triplet potential-energy surface, our results indicate that the singlet reaction channel should not bedisregarded either. In fact, the peaked topography of the S-1/S-0 conical intersection suggests that the deexcitation should most likely occur on a sub-picosecond timescale and the singlet photoisomerization mechanism might effectively compete even witha very efficient intersystem crossing. Such a scenario is further supported by the relatively small spin-orbit coupling of the S-1 and T-2 states in the Franck-Condon region, which does not indicate a very effective triplet bypass for thi

  • Název v anglickém jazyce

    Molecular Mechanism of Diaminomaleonitrile to Diaminofumaronitrile Photoisomerization: An Intermediate Step in the Prebiotic Formation of Purine Nucleobases

  • Popis výsledku anglicky

    The photoinduced isomerization of diaminomaleonitrile (DAMN) to diaminofumaronitrile (DAFN) was suggested to play a key role in the prebiotically plausible formation of purine nucleobases and nucleotides. In this work we analyze two competitive photoisomerization mechanisms on the basis of state-of-the-art quantum-chemical calculations. Even though it was suggested that this process might occur on the triplet potential-energy surface, our results indicate that the singlet reaction channel should not bedisregarded either. In fact, the peaked topography of the S-1/S-0 conical intersection suggests that the deexcitation should most likely occur on a sub-picosecond timescale and the singlet photoisomerization mechanism might effectively compete even witha very efficient intersystem crossing. Such a scenario is further supported by the relatively small spin-orbit coupling of the S-1 and T-2 states in the Franck-Condon region, which does not indicate a very effective triplet bypass for thi


  • Druh

    J<sub>x</sub> - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)

  • CEP obor

    CF - Fyzikální chemie a teoretická chemie

  • OECD FORD obor

Návaznosti výsledku

  • Projekt

    Výsledek vznikl pri realizaci vícero projektů. Více informací v záložce Projekty.

  • Návaznosti

    P - Projekt vyzkumu a vyvoje financovany z verejnych zdroju (s odkazem do CEP)


  • Rok uplatnění


  • Kód důvěrnosti údajů

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

Údaje specifické pro druh výsledku

  • Název periodika

    Chemistry - A European Journal

  • ISSN


  • e-ISSN

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  • Číslo periodika v rámci svazku


  • Stát vydavatele periodika

    DE - Spolková republika Německo

  • Počet stran výsledku


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  • Kód UT WoS článku


  • EID výsledku v databázi Scopus