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The importance of measured values number in evaluating the wear size of inserts

Identifikátory výsledku

  • Kód výsledku v IS VaVaI

    <a href="https://www.isvavai.cz/riv?ss=detail&h=RIV%2F44555601%3A13420%2F12%3A43884531" target="_blank" >RIV/44555601:13420/12:43884531 - isvavai.cz</a>

  • Výsledek na webu

  • DOI - Digital Object Identifier

Alternativní jazyky

  • Jazyk výsledku


  • Název v původním jazyce

    The importance of measured values number in evaluating the wear size of inserts

  • Popis výsledku v původním jazyce

    In evaluating larger number of measurement data, it is proper to analyze them statistically. It is important to determine the effect of measured data number on the experiment results. This paper is focused on the determination of the effect of the basicfile size (data obtained in the experiment) on the final measurement results. In milling the cutting inserts of sintered carbide (SC) were used. The same cutting conditions (depth of cut, feed, cutting speed) and were used. The cutting inserts wear was measured after the same cutting time. At the beginning of experiment 120 measured data (edges) were used. Number of measured data was gradually increased (to 240, 360, 480, 600, 720, 840, 960 and 1080). Totally 9 basic files was obtained. In the conclusion of the paper lists of all results are presented together, with their mutual comparison and prediction of the possible development of tool wear at higher number of cutting edges.

  • Název v anglickém jazyce

    The importance of measured values number in evaluating the wear size of inserts

  • Popis výsledku anglicky

    In evaluating larger number of measurement data, it is proper to analyze them statistically. It is important to determine the effect of measured data number on the experiment results. This paper is focused on the determination of the effect of the basicfile size (data obtained in the experiment) on the final measurement results. In milling the cutting inserts of sintered carbide (SC) were used. The same cutting conditions (depth of cut, feed, cutting speed) and were used. The cutting inserts wear was measured after the same cutting time. At the beginning of experiment 120 measured data (edges) were used. Number of measured data was gradually increased (to 240, 360, 480, 600, 720, 840, 960 and 1080). Totally 9 basic files was obtained. In the conclusion of the paper lists of all results are presented together, with their mutual comparison and prediction of the possible development of tool wear at higher number of cutting edges.


  • Druh

    J<sub>x</sub> - Nezařazeno - Článek v odborném periodiku (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)

  • CEP obor

    JR - Ostatní strojírenství

  • OECD FORD obor

Návaznosti výsledku

  • Projekt

  • Návaznosti

    V - Vyzkumna aktivita podporovana z jinych verejnych zdroju


  • Rok uplatnění


  • Kód důvěrnosti údajů

    S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů

Údaje specifické pro druh výsledku

  • Název periodika

    Manufacturing Technology

  • ISSN


  • e-ISSN

  • Svazek periodika


  • Číslo periodika v rámci svazku


  • Stát vydavatele periodika

    CZ - Česká republika

  • Počet stran výsledku


  • Strana od-do


  • Kód UT WoS článku

  • EID výsledku v databázi Scopus