Labour Taxation and its Impact on Economic Growth in the OECD Countries
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<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/61989100:27510/14:86090779 -</a>
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Labour Taxation and its Impact on Economic Growth in the OECD Countries
Popis výsledku v původním jazyce
Almost all developed countries integrated in the OECD are currently affected by the crisis of public finances. Therefore they are trying to reduce public spending and increase tax revenues by the growth of the various types of taxes. It is necessary to realize that the negative impact of the labour taxation on the economic growth will be probably compounded through its influence and connectedness to the labour market. From this reason economic policy makers should examine the impact of the personal income taxes and social security contributions on the economic growth. Therefore the aim of the article was to identify the relationship between the labour taxation and the economic growth in OECD countries for time interval 2000-2011. The empirical analysiswas based on the methods and tests of a panel regression and the level of taxation was approximated by tax quota and implicit tax rates. In case of both approximators there was proven the negative relationship with the economic growth wh
Název v anglickém jazyce
Labour Taxation and its Impact on Economic Growth in the OECD Countries
Popis výsledku anglicky
Almost all developed countries integrated in the OECD are currently affected by the crisis of public finances. Therefore they are trying to reduce public spending and increase tax revenues by the growth of the various types of taxes. It is necessary to realize that the negative impact of the labour taxation on the economic growth will be probably compounded through its influence and connectedness to the labour market. From this reason economic policy makers should examine the impact of the personal income taxes and social security contributions on the economic growth. Therefore the aim of the article was to identify the relationship between the labour taxation and the economic growth in OECD countries for time interval 2000-2011. The empirical analysiswas based on the methods and tests of a panel regression and the level of taxation was approximated by tax quota and implicit tax rates. In case of both approximators there was proven the negative relationship with the economic growth wh
D - Stať ve sborníku
CEP obor
AH - Ekonomie
Návaznosti výsledku
S - Specificky vyzkum na vysokych skolach
Rok uplatnění
Kód důvěrnosti údajů
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Údaje specifické pro druh výsledku
Název statě ve sborníku
Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků XII. mezinárodní vědecké konference Hospodářská politika v členských zemích Evropské unie : 16.-18. září 2014, Betline Forest Hotel, Ostravice
Počet stran výsledku
Strana od-do
Název nakladatele
Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta
Místo vydání
Místo konání akce
Datum konání akce
16. 9. 2014
Typ akce podle státní příslušnosti
EUR - Evropská akce
Kód UT WoS článku